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3rd p.o.v

Damain wayne was....strange in your opinion. He was always so serious and was never fun. But then again who were you to talk.

You were Y/n L/n. You had H/l H/c with big E/c doe eyes.

To everyone that saw you you seemed like you average 16 year old girl. But were you?.

NO YOU WERE NOT! Secretly you worked for the justice League as a meta-human scientists.  You worked along side lily harris -a fourteen year old girl- and Cisco ramon -your uncle- (thats how tou spell his name right.....fuck....).

Another thing about you was that you had a soulmate......that you hadnt met yet.

A timer was on your arm. It was F/c it was ticking down on your arm. (Fuck your author is out of ideas)

The number on your arm read 02:11:20 two days elven hours and 20 seconds.... thats when you would meet your soulmate.

Slowley pushing back down your long sleeve shirt you sighed and thought 'the person im meant to be with....the person i will love for the rest of my life...im gonna meet in two days...' slowley you closed the file (YOUR AUTHOR IS RUNNING OUT OF IDEAS AGAIN) packed up your desk and walk home.

Time skip

Today was the day! Today was the day you were going to meet your soul mate in lessed the 5 minutes you would meet the person you were meant to be with.

Were you nervous yes you felt anxiety crippling into you like a piece into a ball  paper so many things could go wrong.

Did you still go to work? Yes yes you did and now you felt like an idiot because you could now be at home sleeping in you bed.

Sighing you walked up to batman and his little brat.

You had heard rumors about damain wayne from your team mates and fellow school peers.

You heard he was a little prat (this is physically painful to write!) Eho only cared about himself. You felt sorry for whoever your soul mate is!

Walking up to batman robon steped forward and put his hands out for the files.

He opened his mouth but was cut of by the sound of beeping. More specifically soul mate clocks beeping.

You and he booth looked down at your wrist only to see green and F/c evaporating into the air.

"Well shit....."

𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now