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3rd p.o.v
You in all honesty were a bit....chubby...i mean not on a bad way! You just didnt like excise and you loved food. Your best friend wally west was the complete opposite of you he was lean and loved excise this made your friend ship balance out....but there was a problem.....

You loved your best friend....

As cliche as it sounds you fell in love with your best friend....

And it totally SUCKED! i mean do you know how many times he asked who your crush was and you would have to just sit there poker faced!

But anyways back to the story...

Yes you Y/n L/n were in love with your best friend. Maybe it was the way he talked or the way he was so nice and friendly but you had fallen hard for him.

It was a normal day you were walking to class with wally by your side. As you came to your classroom you looked to wally as said "ill see you in class okay?" He noded and started to walk to his classroom.

You sighed as you entered the classroom and started to learn (me:*shrugs* i dont know what im doing)

Time skip
You sighed as you walked out of the
Language classroom your teacher had just told you you had a chance to go in a exchange student trip to (F/C favourite country) all expenses paid!

The only thing is that you didnt want to leave wally alone as you walked to the cafeteria you decsided to confied in wally about the new found info when you heard a voice

"So do you like her?" The voice said you reconised the voice. It was one of wallys friends who was named Ryan.

"Wha Y/n no" wally said

"Why not" Ryan asked curiously

"Forst she isnt my type and second she isnt one of  the most prettiest girl i mean she could lose some weight" wally said shrugging

'Crash' that was the sound of your heart breaking as youheard him not only did he say that he disnt like you back but he also said that you were fat! Your one insucerity that he knew off!

You choose to act normal but secretly you were gonna brong this Mofo  down! 

Walking to the cafeteria you smiled at wally who smiled back "hey wally" you said looking at him "guess what"

"Whats up"he asked obviously taking a sip of his drink

"I get to go on an all expenses paid trip to (F/C)" you said in excitement

Wally chocked on his drink "w-what" he said

"Thats right so cool i know" you fangired

"T-that great" he said calming diwn but with a sad look on his face

Timeskip the day you leaving

"Well....this is it" you said looking at wally your chubby figure (IM SORRY) hidden but the massive coat you were wearing.

"Y-yea" wally stuttered sadly "ill miss you" he said more confidently

"Aww ill miss you to wallester but remember its only 6 months"you aaid shooting finger guns at him

"FLIGHT 106 TO (F/C) BOARDING NOW"  the intercom said

"Well...bye" you said with a small wave

"Bye" wally waved back

Wallys p.o.v

Its been two minutes since (Y/n) left and i already miss her

I mkss her cute laugh

Her smile

Her chubby figure

'Oh god' i thought 'im in love with

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket it was a....voice message....from (Y/n)?

I opened the message to hear what it said

"Hi waldo" her sweet angelic voice said " by the time you get this im probaly already on my plane so dont bother calling me....i just wanted you to know...i love you! I love you from the bottom of my heart...i love your smile your laugh...your corny jokes...
Dont deny it walky there corny...i just want to know i heard you...the day Ryan asked if you loved me... i know i may be a bit tubby and not funny...but i just want you to knkw what you said...it well....it hurt...."i heard a sniffle "but anyways...i just want you ro kkow if you need a shoulder to cry on or someone to make you laugh...ill be there...ill be there to love you...because i do wally....from the bottom of my heart..." 'Bleep' the phone went signalling it was the end of the voice message

"oh...god..." i muttered "OH GOD" i screamed crykng " i was so stupid" i cried my voice cracking "so...freaking stupid...."

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

Six months hace past and i got to say....ive changed....ive lost a lot of weight, my hair is longer and now im really pretty! (YOU WERE ALWAYS PRETTY READER)

Today was the day i was flying back to central city...today was the day i was going to see wally...

I havent talked to wally the whole time ive been away because i changwd my number and email adter i left so he didnt know.

Today im gettimf richard grayson
-wallys friend- to bring wally to the airport to i can see him!

As i got off the plane and grabbed my suitcase i started to look for bright orange hair...

'scanning....scanning....FOUND IT!' I meantally rejoiceas i skip over to them were richard wally in a bild fold "okay ill take it off now" richard said taking the blind fold off wally

"Finally" wally groaned turning around to were he faced me....

"Hey....." i smiled

"Hi..." wally said smiling

"Oh who am i kidding!" I yelled running over to him and jumping into his arms

"(Y/n)!" He yelled crying as he kissed me

We pulled away breathless

"I love you" wally said with no heatitation

"I love you to" i smiled kissing him

"So (Y/n)...." wally checkily said

"Yes" i said looking over at him

"Why did you loose all the weight i loved you when you were fluffier" he said

I looked away blushing



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