•for him•

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Photo taken by me^^

Your story was one that touched millions

A girl who was always alone had finally found a love and they were happy

It was a story about love and loss-the greatest story of the generation they said.

You were average someone who didn't stick out of the crowd you didn't have any cool flashy qualities nor did you have a outgoing personality.

Your book was called for him- a story about lost love. Men and woman everywhere related to it.

Then you met him. A boy with and hyper personality who was always identified in every crowd.

A girl once came to you and asked what was your inspiration for this book you simply told her one word Him....

You two were happy for the first two years. It there was never one dull moment with him....but he didn't feel the same way for you

A girl sat lonely on the swing swinging back and fourth as the trees swayed
Behind her

The scene was painted just like the one on your book when it happened

"I'm sorry" you remember him saying "but i don't love you anymore" you remember tear after tear falling until your eyes were dry.

The girl now a few years older from the da of her heart break stood in the store bags on hand as she watched her soulmate be with another woman a ring on his finger and smile on his face.

Your bags dropped to the floor as tears filled your eyes again. With your heals click clacking against the floor you ran away from him

He was now happy and although he was happy without you he had a smile on his face and a shiny ring in his finger.

But after all, everything what happened was for him...

𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now