•Tequllia shots•

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the club smelt of cheap colonel sweat and alcohol and the over all drunk vibe the place had made it more creepy then it was. Most people in the club were raving and some others were throwing up there guts in buckets the club oh so conveniently offered everyone.

Drugs deals were always a pain in the ass to do- especially when the shitty music the place blasted gave you a headache and even as you repeated told Batman that he didn't care- he just wanted tom job to be done and with Jason MIA it was your job now.

You shuffled awkwardly. Skimming and scanning the crowd of drunks and lust looked for your partner nightwing.

You cursed as you didn't see him- dark hair must Helen into a crowd I guess.

You looked at your phone once again, hoping that dick- your boyfriend of three years would message you.  Even if you had messaged him over a billion times nothing seemed to work- he had probably left his ohone at home...again. Sighinh in annoyance you placed your phone in your back pocket once again and began to walk to the bar

You blinked as you saw the familiar outline of his body- that wasn't  dick...right? No! It couldn't be..

But at last it was...and the sight of the woman next to him- moving her hand flirty up his arm and him not pushing her away only filled you with more anger- first he leave you alone and now this!

You scoffed to yourself and shook your head- you should have known better and so you began the shameful and anger filled trudge you the door. Not wanting to be here anymore- not with him around

It was when a hand grabbed your wrist and whiled you around that you came face to face with him- you filled with anger and him- filled with relief to have found you.

"It's over you ass!" You exclaimed over the loud music of the bar. He furrowed his eyebrows "what?!" He calls in confusion- trying to come closer and hear you better only fro you to push him back. "Stay away from me!"

He watched you go. Confused and someone heart broken. Why were you running away from him? You had a mission and he finally got the intel you guess needed from that woman!

But you didn't know that- you kept walking further and further away till you were down the street and at a different bar: trudging inside and hanging up your coat by the door as you sat on the rickety bar stools "vodka" you croaked out morbidly. Holding your hands in your head.

You took the shot as soon as it came. Tipping it back down your throat and letting out a sigh. It hurt- a lot. Especially because he didn't follow you...but what were you expecting?

You kept tipping shots back. Each time it hit your stomach you seemed to get a little number to the pain. What was the point anyways? You weren't on the mission anymore and the bar was empty. Perfect conditions to get drunk.

It was when you almost stumbled off the chair did you decide you had enough- the bartender not stoping you as you laid down on one of the couches and closed your eyes. You needed sleep and you couldn't go back to your apartment where dick had most likely taken the woman back too...

Black tuffs entered your vision as you squinted and shook your head...probably a drunk dream right? And so you slowly closed your eyes again- feeling tk arms lift you up..but st this point you didn't care- you were too tired to fight.

This would be a shit fight in the morning..

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