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You sat on the bench at  the park. next to the lake and under the tree. Your headphones were on and playing music through them as you sketched out the beautiful view before you.

It was late- about 6:30 at night but you didn't care. You didn't want to go home not until he came.

When the street lamps of the park turned on you sighed. You knew he wasn't coming. And while it was nice to believe in him you shouldn't have really.

Damian Wayne was not someone to trust

It was as simple as that and by now with a three year relationship between you to you should've known.

You got up and threw the rest for your bread to the ducks before packing away your note book and then making the journey home.

When you finally got home there he stood in the kitchen with grey sweatpants in a black top. You looked at him angrily "where were you?" You ask.

He looks at you "finally your him eive been waiting" he says casually puttinh the mug down as if you didn't have plans. He walks over with a smile and goes to hug you but you dodges "no no no where were you you promised me you'd meet me at the park!" You says as you begin to take your coat of.

He shakes his head "I said tomorrow" he says putting empathize on the tomorrow bit.

You shake your head "you said the 21st! That's today" you say angrily "no I wrote the 22nd!" He exclaims pulling out his phone to drill through your messages. When he finally get there his  eyes widen "shit..."

You glare at him "told you" you says wlaking away.

A hour later you heard a knock on the door. You were already snuggled into bed and didn't feel like getting up so you just shouted for them to come in.

Damian smiles at the slight of you before lying down next to you and spooning you "baby..." He says. You let out a groan "you better have a good excuse Wayne" you murmers as he smiles against your neck before giving you butterfly kisses.

"It was a typo I didn't correct i did really mean the 22nd" he says kissing you shoulder blade with every word. You giggle slightly and turn around to meet his eyes.

He gives you a innocent smile and you kiss him softly "check your spelling. Next time ok babe?" You asks as he laughs but agrees.

The two of you then fall asleep in a tangle if limbs.

𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now