•not a bitch•

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The air was stiff. Suffocating in every way possible. Your legs felt like led as you trudged forward, sliding the door open with little to no motivation. Always too hesitant whenever you stepped into the room.

You didn't fear what you'd see, you feared what you didn't see. No longer did his eyes open to the very sound of your footsteps and you remembered a time you'd purposely walk heavily to annoy him. Now he was still. Hooked up to a plethora of machines you could only ever dream of naming and all you could do was watch his statistics of the heart monitor. Thanking the heavens they hadn't taken him away from you.

You swore your heart stopped the moment you heard the static instead of his voice through the earpeace. A long and riveting rescue and even if he was safe, he'd been induced into a comma to ensure he'd heal right.

Even then, it wasn't enough. You called yourself selfish on the many nights he'd return to sleeping beside you—to hear him calling you a loser again, as much as you hated to admit it.

[12:01 AM]He didn't say what he meant, that's just who he was. Judge him by his words and one would assume he hated you yet his actions spoke volumes. He liked holding your hand. He wouldn't even look at you as he laced your fingers together but it made you heart flutter everytime. Now you longed for that again. A day you wouldn't have to sit miserably by his bedside, willing him to wake up with every fiber of your being.

You felt your throat close up at the sight of him but you refrained from letting out a sob. Drawing a sigh to quell that irksome feeling. "You're so stupid..."

You expected a snarky remark on his behalf but was met by silence. The subtle beeping of the monitor was like a stake to the heart. "You never think, do you? You always rush into things-" You paused, eyes fixating on the ceiling. Despite your best efforts, your eyes brimmed with tears. Letting out a shuddered breath as you gave up. Giving in as they rolled down your cheeks. "Did you even think of me, huh? This is going to affect my health, stupid." Shoulders shaking, as you propped your arms on his bed. Just a glance at him was enough to break you. Burying your head between your arms, "You're such a bitch for leaving me like this."

The only thing you could hear was that godforsaken monitor and your subtle sniffles. You had more to say yet your words died in your mouth. Hopelessly raising your arm to hit yourself on habit, jolting in surprise as calloused fingers closed around your wrist. Stopping your motions as you let out a breath.

Gulping down your fears as you traced the hand, to the modest bracelet on his wrist to his sleepy, dazed eyes hidden behind a curtain of his unkept hair. Despite that, his eyes were the same you'd fallen in love with. Vivacious green above the drugged up haze.

You opened your mouth but closed it again, feeling like a fish out of water yet he had the audacity to say; "I am not a bitch."
Silence plagued the room, your head absolutely swimming till you snapped your head at him. Tearing your wrist from his hold. Brows furrowed and jaw clenched. "You ass! I was worried about you and you- you say that? Couldn't you be any more of a prick, you ungrateful ass-"

"Beloved," He interrupted, reaching for your hand. Likely fending off the sleep that was threatening to lull him back in as he did. A barely-there smile on his lips as he carefully threaded his fingers through yours. A gentle tug was all it took for you to turn quiet. Staring at him as relief washed over you. The realization that he was finally awake was enough to suppress the burning urge to absolutely murder him. Giving his knuckle an attentive tap. "I want to slap you so bad." "Why don't you kiss me instead?"

𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now