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You always had these.....feelings? i suppose thats what you could say. 

the first time it has happened was when he has entered the manor cowering behind Bruce's legs, your own young self was cowering behind your father and together both gorden and bruce had pushed you towards one another.

You had gotten a good look at his face in the process of clumsy tumbling and awkward falling, and from what you could guess he was around your age, with scruffy black hair and blue eyes and possibly the roundest baby cheeks you had ever seen. 

He was well....cute....to say the least- not that you understood what the heated feeoing ij your gut was.

and a week later on your next trip to the manor you had seen him again, looking more comfrtable and even less timid, but this time instead of awkward hellos you decided ot be confident- to make bruce waynes new ward your friened! and so you would stick your chubby child handour and give him a toothy grin "hello!"

and he stared at you in shock for a few momets and blinked, this ciuldnt have been the same girl from earlier right? "Hey..?" he said rather awkwardly. a bit unknowing on what to do. this was the first tie a well..a girl had ever talked to him, other the his old circus crew but they were more famoly then anything else.

"im Y/N! and you?" and with a tiny smile he took yout hand "im dick, its nice to meet you"

Another memory you had was when you two had first joined the team you guys were about 14 now and were best friends! two friends on the hard mission of life!

You were a engineer- someone who handled of the gadgets people had a bad habbit of breaking and he- well he was a superhero, the mighty robin! the traffic light of crime in your own words. it was so strange to see the little, frail boiy you had known since childhood grew up to be such a person,you admired him for it..and you were sure he admired you too. together you woul dbe the best of friends forver!

How wrong you were. 

as petty as it sounded your place had been taken by a beauty, realistically you coul dnt blame dick as you watched zanatana take you place but fuck- it hurt so bad, more then you would have guessed.

You remember the screaming and fighting you and dick went through when you guys were 16- it was uch a stupid topic too, one you cant even remember now.

It has gotten to the point of just being toxic, like you couldnt bresth without ffeeling you rlungd choke up on th poison, and so you packed up and left wihtout any tears to cry..you just felt done and so was he. 

The little boy you had once knew was, well he was a man now. no longer a traffiuc light if crime he was nightwing. a new hero that had no ties to past and in that way he had no ties to you.  he didn't need you to protect him and fix trhe stupid misrakes he would make...he didnt jeed yiu anymore.

it was bitter sweet and in a way..you were glad for him, even if he never saw you the way you saw him that was ok. it felt peaceful on your heart- it gave you your own oppotunity to branch our and meet knew people, to do your own growing.

and for that you couldnt be more greatful.

𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now