•fadded to the darkness•

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Photo taken by me^^

I stood still tears making their way down my face and in that exact moment I heard it...the sound of my heart breaking it wasn't how you would expect but in fact was the opposite.

It was a clean sound and didn't echo. It didn't happen over a period of time no in fact it happened so quickly that if you were to stop herring for a split second you would miss it.

Although the sound of it was short the pain felt like a thousand needles sticking into you and the pain didn't go away. No it stayed

It stayed for minutes hours days weeks and years every second it got to you slowly but surely you faded...

You faded into the darkness....

So this is just a shirt something for all the readers who like Roy sorry that no names were out in but I had to update haha anyways bye guys! I hope you have a great day/nigh

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