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I hope you all enjoy~
There's a bit of an author note at the bottom please read that! Thanks
Publish: 1st of May 2019
Your house was...lonely....there was no longer the soft playing of music nor was there the sent of  cigarettes.

The only sound you would here was from the soft hum on your fan and the only sent was the shitty microwaveable meals you cooked for one.

Was your house always like this? You ask well it wasn't it was always more....lively..
...well that was until Jason left...

You boyfriend well now EX boyfriend Jason had left you for a....skank....she was a slutty biotch who couldn't tell left from right but yet she was manipulative enough to get with Jason.

Poor poor Jason being user by that twat for his money and to do her dirty deeds.

It really gutted you when he left you always felt like you two would be together forever when he had first confessed but now that dream was well...gone...

You sighs do shut your computer shut with a huff you couldn't reasons with one of your customs about your price!

You sigh and got to walk around the apartment a bit hoping that would you ease your stress you speed walk around the kitchen and living room (I do this when mad lol) until the door bell rings...but who could that be? (Cringes)

You walk over to the door in your jean shorts and singlet top with your hair thrown into a messy bun.

You open the door slowly the chain tHe was connected to the door and wall giving you just enough room to see the person.

"Hello..." you cautiously say as the sent of smoke and shaving cream fill your sense of smell. "Hey...." the voice says...it sounded like Jason.

".....Jason...." you cautiously said just peeking out the door and sure enough it was him. He looked somewhat terrible his hair was messy and his jacket had some rips he chin was covered in stubble and he had this dead look in his eyes.

"Yea..." he says a slow silence engulfs the two of you you close the door and unlock it fully letting him here you lead him tit he couch and the two of you sit down. After a long period of silence you break it. "what are you doing here..." you ask, hesitated towards his answer.

After a long time he speaks "I-I had no where else to go" he admits. "I-I'm sorry" he says you look at him in putty as he clenches and unclenches his fist "I'll go..." he whispers going to get up.

"N-no!" You exclaim knocking him back to the couch "I-it's fine.....really" you say.
Looking down "I'm glad you came here" you admit sheepishly rubbing your hands.

Jason looks at you in surprise "r-really?" He asks looking at you with wide eyes

"Well yea..." you says "I missed you" you look down towards the floors with a blush and Jason laughs about tilting your head up "I-I miss you two" he admits sheepishly with a blush "a lot actually"

You smile at him and he generally leans in along with you and then you two kiss. It felt like fireworks the passion and live couldn't be explains but it was well...wonderful.

You both pull away sheepishly and smile at eachover big red blushes covering your faces

"Be my girlfriend again....please" he asks you smile at him and launch at him to hug him "of course!" You joyously exclaim.

The rest of the night was filled with laughs, love and passion it couldn't of been any better.

Hi hi everyone~
So...this was....different? I guess to what I usually write haha I usually write a lot of angst but this was a nice change UwU.

Anyways I hope you al had a lovely Easter and got a lot of chocolate (I know I did~)

Oof anyways so there won't be as many updates as there was in the past three weeks because well I'm not on school holidays anymore and I also have a lot of stuff going on right now.

No before you say "that's just a excuse" it's really not I have assessments and some competitions to work on so if you give me about...two-ish? Weeks I should get it all done and be able to pump out updates.

Anyways~ if you don't already follow me please do! I update some notices on there and well yea....

(I was also thinking of creating a discord server if anybody interested in joining lol so...if you like that idea I might do one)

As always
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