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3rd person P.O.V

You and dick grayson did not like eachover at all. The only time you guys were friends was when you were at young justice head quarters and this was when you when you two knew that well you weren't Y/n and dick...

he was actually your best friend from the team.but at school you guys despise each over you would compete over grades and who is the best teachers pet

But what you didn't understand is why he acted like a literal dick towards you and just you. why did he just hate you why did he act real nice to tigers except you!

Personally you loved him as a crush and role model and it broke you heart when he hated you. It hit you really hard and Tom that day in your record that you wouldn't care about him anymore although....that was harder then you would think.

Y/n P.O.V

I was walking to school planing what book I would read today at the library

the good thing about today is that tlday is a free dress day meaning that we could wear out clothes of choices(sorry I didn't choose un outfit for you but you have to wear some  glasses )

I  suddenly a car pulled up and a guy yelled "LOSER" and he threw a cup of goop on me I quickly ran to school trying trying to get out of the public eye

I ran into the the girls barthroom were I had a change of clothes in my bag unfortunately these clothes where more....showy then I wished to have.

Once I changed and walked out of the bathroom I herd wispering "hey is that the nerd who new she cute" I herd one boy say suddenly my worst Enemy Richard Grayson came up.

"hey-" he said but I cute him off "no I will not go out with you no I will not do your friends homework no I will not let you bully me and NO I WIL NOT LET TOU GET TO ME"  I yelled shutting my locker storming off with him running after me.

"h-hey wait Y/n I just want to ask you something I turned around and let him cautch up befor I said "what what do you possibly want from me" I did withers. Vicious glare.

"well I was wondering could we let go of this petty fight and be friends" he said rubbing the nape of his neck "sure" I said walking to my next class

Time skip brought to you by robs spin off words

I was waking to the zeta tube I was already in my costume just not my mask I herd something crash I looked into the alleyway were I saw something I never thought I would dick taking off his shirt to revel a robin costume

I couldn't belive my best friend was my friend and old enemy what the hell has happened i was cut off from my thought when I accidentally bumped into a bin.

unfortunately robin heard me because of the loud crash the bin made. I tried to make run for it.

"S/h/n what are you doing here wait did you see my-" I cut him off "your identity yes now I must go" I said turning away when he grabbed my wrist and said
"s/h/n turn around please" he asks

My being the idiot I am forgot that I didn't have my mask on

"y/n" is all he said before smashing his lips into mine "I love you" he said outta breath "me too " I said as I gave him a closed eyes smile and we walked to the living room of the head quarters together


*crying of cringe*

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