•feelings are fatal•

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You stood watching them smiling and laughing in the arcade as you walking behind them.

They pushed and shoved eachover playfully and giggled you stopped for a bit realising that you weren't gonna fit in here.

You turned away with teary eyes and a small smiles pick up your phone you sent a text I'm happy for you and I'll smiles for you id do anything for you'

You turned back around as a crowd of people came past but Lal you could see what his slightly confused face as he turned around to look for you.

The crowd started to disappear so you left with them to the entrance. After that you went to where you bike was and got ok it wiping your eyes a bit you decided this was best.

You wouldn't be there dragging him down and he wouldn't have to keep trying to push you up. You strated to ride your bike home feeling better as you did.

Once you got home you sighed and got off your bike opening the door to go inside. The house was quiet your parents where at work and usually Wally would be here with you when you weren't at school.

You walked up the stairs and opened your room door. You sighed and walked over to your desk pushing photos of you and Wally face down so you don't have to look at them.

You sigh falling backwards into your bed and covering your eyes with your arms "my feelings are fatal are swear"

Suddenly your phone started going off you sighed mad checked it it was wally... He was concerned about where you went just as you where about to reply he rang.

You debated picking up the phone but with a sigh you answer. "What the fuck!" Was the loud exclaimation from the other side of the phone.

You sayed silent waiting "you know I finally got the girl of my dreams and now you have supposed "feelings" for me?! What's bout when I asked you out a couple for years ago huh?!"

Tears leaked down your eyes hiccups making their way up your throat. You fall to your knees hugging yourself "I'm sorry" you horsly whisper looking down at the ground.

Your knees hurt and your eyes where blood shot and swollen but you couldn't care less the real pain was coming from your chest.

He turns around "forget it" he said beginning to walk away from you

You go to reach out for him but he feels so so very far away you reach out again and again grasping at nothing but cold air.

You felt no warmth but you also didn't fell cold you simply felt....nothing...

Time skip a few weeks later
It had been a couple for week but to you it felt like months that where filled with agony.

He hadn't contacted you nor had he come back to the mountain.yiu had given up hope on him coming back to base and decided to go home.

Bag under your eyes felt heavy. Your hair was messy and greasy but no one could tell since you had thrown it up into a neat and pristine bun.

As soon as you reached your bed you through yourself into it hugging a pillow. He wasn't coming back anytime soon what was the point staying up and waiting for him.

The next morning

A blaring alarm that was the only sound you heard...was it your phone? Was it perhaps a car on the street.

You crack on of your eyes open and check what it was. It wasn't a phone not a car but...your emergency beeper?

You scramble out of bed quickly putting on your hero costume slapping your mask onto your face you jump out the window and teleport to the mountain. You reach the outside to see everyone crying?

You walk up to Nightwing "what's going on?" You ask seeing tears fall down his cheeks.

He beings to explain everything Bart the time paradox and...Wally's death you stumble backwards tears trailing down your cheeks.

Jsut what was happening everything was well and fine between you two s couple of weeks ago but now...now your life was talking apart.

Nightwing reaches out for you but you pull away and mild panic and sadness he reaches out for you again but again your back away with shock on your face and tears in your eyes you teleport away and back to you apartment.

You fall to your bed and cry. You sob and scream trying to rid of your grief. Soon enough your feelings change you stand up your head looking down. You begin to feel inspired inspired to bring wally back.

And soon enough you why to work

Two years later

It's been two years since the day of Wally's death. Two years of Grief anger and sadness but finally you had done it. You had completed the world's first quantum realm travel machine.

This device would track Wally's DNA and brain waves to ifnd his location then teleport him back here.

It was basically a bigger and more powerful version of your own power. You turn it on and it starts to make start up noises closing your eyes you cross your fingers and wait.

Suddenly there's a loud noise and a big flash of light before...silence.. you open your eyes.

There he is...

Right in front of you there he stands. Messy ginger hair and tired green eyes with a weak body. But he stands there. He's not dead nor is he missing but there he is right in front of you and you can seem with your very own eyes.

You're a stud to get teary as your can feel swelling in the back of your throat but these aren't sad years no no these are happy tears. You looks up clutching his side and weakly whispers "Y/n" before collapsing.

You catch him quickly "yes...it's me in right here..."

Boy...where you gonna have a lot of explaining to do...


Anyways I was planning on doing a face reveal perhaps when I get to 500 followers or 35k reads?

Come on guys I know you can do it! UwU

Anyways thank you all again and don't forget to
-and follow me if you wanna be generous!

kk bye eevryones! Lily-chan signing out!

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