•do i look like her•

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"Do I look like her?" You asks quietly to your boyfriend Bart staring at your dinner in distaste.

The dinner table was quiet. The once Baxter is talking of your cousin and her boyfriend Wally had now silenced and wally looked at Artemis as if asking if they should stay and yet she only nodded her head- wanted oh to be here for you.

Bart...had been....distant...lately and you had now only realised  with the help of your older sister why he had been like this...he felt guilty.

You knew it wasn't the type of guilty that was caused by doing something like breaking something .

No it was the type of guilty that was caused by the fact that Bart kissed another girl and at your birthday no least!

He has kissed a friend of yours named Melanie. Kissed her in the kitchen as the two got more snacks- at least that's all you had seen.

It has broken your heart to see him do it- and he hasn't even admitted it to you. He only stayed silent and tried to act like it hadn't happened.

Bart looked at you confused what have you been talking about? did you... did you know about what had happened at your birthday?
You said nothing as you picked at your dinner in distaste- almost about to cry

After about ten seconds of silence you contained to ask  "does she talk like me?" 

Bittersweet tears dribbled down your face and you could feel your heart shatter as he said nothing- no it's ok...no I'm sorry...just a look of in your direction that was filled with guilt and regret.

Slowly he reached out for you and you almost went for him- but then it flashed through your head and so you sharply pulled your hand away from where he was reaching.

He reached for it again and so this time you took a step back knocking over the Chair with a loud bang.

At the loud noise everyone jumped back and looked at you with a mix of emulations- none of them joyful and mostly just pity or shock

"Teach me how to be okay..." you look at him as he too now had tears flowing freely down his face "I don't wanna downplay my emotions" he shot at you and pulled you into his embrace and this time and this time you didn't resist his touch which you craved.

He hugs you with so much force it feels like the breath is being taken on of you. It felt...nice. It melted away your troubles. It made you feel safe.

He pulls away and looks down at you with so much guilt "I'm so so sorry" he cries "it only happened once and it'll never happen again I just got caught up in the moment! And she kissed me and and" he cried out some more- only praying you could forgive him for what had happened.

You cling to his chest mumbling that it was okay and there you both sat in each overs embrace. Both feeling guilty for making each over sad and depressed- next time you would talk.

Artemis and Wally now both had left- thinking it was better that you two were alone so that you could talk.

"I love you..." he whispers into your ear "I love you too.."

And you did- you really did

𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now