Chapter II

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Chapter 2: ‘Angel with a Fallen Wings’


I was peacefully lying at my bed when my phone chimed, completely startling me and snapping my attention out from the book that I was reading. Its dinner time already that made me confused on why would I received a text from Hakase from this hour.

“Shinichi-kun, can you please look for Ai-kun? I will be out for 3 days for an emergency and I will be back before we go back for camp.

P.S I would be happy if you stay at my house. Thank you.” I mumbled as I read what the message says.

Maybe I should first inform Ran about this. “Ran-neechan!” I shouted, calling her by my cheerful and innocent voice.

“Oh? Why? Conan-kun?” she smiled when she sees me. *sigh* It’s been 3 years long since she saw me as Shinichi. I know that she will beat me up if we see each other. And I know that she’s crying every night because I rarely called her.

I forced a smile while I stared back at her. “Ran-neechan, can I go and spend a night at the Hakase’s? Hakase told me that Haibara was alone there because he needs to go out for an emergency,” I worriedly said, still using my innocent voice.

“Okay, but you should eat here first,” she muttered, putting her hands on her waist.

“But she is—” She cut me before I can say anything. “No buts and ifs Conan-kun, its dinner time, and you should eat, I just pack food that you’ll bring for Ai-chan,” she said as she walk to the kitchen. I mentally sigh as I mumbled to myself. “I guess I have no choice.”


“Here Conan-kun, bring this, and why did you bring your clothes? How long will you stay there?” Ran asked while she gives me the pack of foods that she made.

“Uhm. Just three days, don’t worry Ran-neechan, you know I can take care of myself,” I answered while fixing my bag. “And also, I need to take care of her too,” I smiled to her.

When I finished fixing my things, I hurriedly wear my bag and faced her. “I need to go now. Bye!” I bid my goodbye and grabbed my skateboard, dashing towards Hakase’s.


t the Hakase’s

As I open the door of the house, the silence welcomed me. Weird, where’s Haibara? I thought as I searched for the certain strawberry-blonde haired girl.

“Haibara!” I shouted as I headed to the laboratory.

She was..... asleep? I thought, seeing her sleeping in her table. She overwork again, she must be tired. I carefully carried her when she mumbled something. “Kudo-kun.” she clearly said. But why is she calling me? She must be torturing me in her dream. I sweat dropped.

She was still sleeping when I put her in her bed. “It must be tiring, huh?” I said while I pulled her blanket. I can’t help but smile when I looked at her. She was at peace when she’s sleeping. Not that scared and lonely little girl that me and Hakase see.

I was surprised when she suddenly held my arm. Nightmares again? She’s sweating and shivering. “Haibara, I’m here.” I whispered as I held her hand. Then she suddenly… hugs me?

“K-Kudo, s-stay, d-don’t l-leave please,” she pleaded, her gripped on me tightened. “I-I’m s-scared,”

My eyes widen when she unconsciously said that. She never let me see how vulnerable she was. She always wants to be tough yet I always save her from danger.
“Shh, I’m here, I won’t leave you,” I hugged her back and gently tapped her head. Her sobs gradually became weak when I done that. I let go of the hug, and looked at her face. I heaved a sigh as I watched her peacefully sleeping. “You are maybe tough, cold and sarcastic outside. But you can’t hide what you really are.” I brushed the strands of her hair in her forehead. Good thing, she already stopped crying now.

Yeah, I truly care for her. For 3 years that passed, she never failed me. Whenever I need her, she will be there. I can never imagine my life without her. She taught me many things in life either it’s good or bad. “For me, Ran was not the only angel here; you, you are a lonely beautiful angel with your fallen wings.” I whispered as I held her hand and drifted to sleep.

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