Chapter XXIV

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Chapter 24: ‘Fall’


“Hmm. Strolling alone?” A guy asked when he walked beside me. I think, my mind still floating. I’ve been bothered about that kiss o—

Taku! What am I thinking?!


That freak! After kissing me, he had the guts to avoid me! And I’ll see him doing that thing on Ma— Argh! Taku!

“Hey? Are you okay? Hey? Miyano Shi,” The guy said and he snapped his fingers on my face.

“Please! Kudo-kun, will you ple—” I stopped when I saw Watson beside me! Wait! He is the guy who’s talking to—

“Hmm. Thinking about your lover huh?” He said and gave a teasing smile.

Aish. I’m caught by my own mouth. Great! “I’m not,” I denied. Yes, Shiho, you know you’re good at denying things, especially your feelings.

“Whatever,” he replied and smirked.

“Hmm. Did you already pick what you’re going to wear later?” he asked and looked around. The town’s still lively. People are gathered around buying things or maybe souvenirs. Some are still talking about the play that we done.

“Amber-san picked the dress and she said that it will suit me but I haven’t seen the dress so I’m not sure if she’s right.” I answered. Watson suddenly laughed on my answer. I gave him what-is-funny-look and he just laughed again. “Pft. Such a fashionista,” he commented. “Just make sure that he will stare at you when he sees you at the party,” he added.

I smirked. “As if he would?” I stated. He nodded and pointed me. “I’m sure he would.” He said and grinned.

“Well, be there at the Hotel at 7pm, huh?” he said and walked away. He stopped and turned around. Oh, by the way Shi, I saw it.” He shouted and wiggled his brows.

“What?” I asked, puzzled. What does he mean?

Wait! Do he mean the—

“The kiss,” he mouthed, pointing his nose and let out a flying kiss. Then he hurriedly ran away, laughing.

KUDO-KUN! I promised I’m going to smack you to death! You detective freak! I silently cursed.


The party will start within fifteen minutes. I’m still at Amber’s house because I’m going to go with them. The others including Kudo, already go at the party, he explained that he wanted to help Gray at the preparation that why he go with them.

“Oh dear, you’re really look beautiful, Shi. No wonder that he fell in love with you,” Nay Anna said as she looked at me. He fell what? In love? Who?

“Ready?” Amber asked when she came out of the room. She looks pretty at her dress and she matches it with a light make-up. I nodded when she glanced at me. “Nay. Take care while we’re at the party, huh?” she said and we take our leave.

The sounds from the hotel are audible even when you’re outside the hotel. “Looks like they are already having fun,” she said and shook her head.

“A-Amber-san,” Someone called out. And there stood the handsome Great Detective of East.

W-wait! Drop the handsome word!

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