Chapter IX

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Chapter 9: ‘I’m sorry’


Minutes passed and we decided to go back to our tents. The story was a good tragic love story, I guess. It was indeed a satisfying one but I just got disappointed on how it ended. Well, I guess, not every story will have a happy ending.

I can’t help but smile while thinking about the prince in that story. ‘He’s just like him. Tch.’ I thought as I shook my head.

I looked around and noticed than Kudo-kun hasn’t come back yet. I unconsciously giggled when I remembered his funny face when listening to the story. He’s too focused, as if he doesn’t want to miss something or a scene from it.

He never left my mind but I guess I never cross his. I sadly thought as I sighed.



I kept walking from one side to another while shaking my head. Arghhh! I mentally cursed as I messed my hair. I decided to just take a walk before I go to sleep.

I don’t know why but I’ve been bothered by the story that Ayumi shared to us. I can’t think straight just by remembering it. Takuuuu!

Seriously, Kudo, is it really the story that bother you or the woman who’s attentively listening beside you? I heaved a sighed and suddenly grinned as I recall how intensely Miyano stared at me as if her eyes are telling me something. I still can remember how she giggled when Ayumi’s telling the story.

The way she giggled, the way she smiled, the way how she reacted, and the—Wait? What am I thinking? I face palmed and shook my head after. I sounded like a lovesick teenager who’s having his first love. Stop it, Kudo. Stop thinking about her. Yes, stop it.

“Argh! Why am I feeling this?!” I asked myself, stomping my feet. “She doesn’t care about you, ‘kay? So stop thinking about her,” I said trying to convinced myself.

I heaved a sigh again. Maybe I should try to sleep, maybe it’s the only way to stop having thoughts about her.

I started walking towards our tent when I suddenly remember something. Oh right! Waaaaah! We’re staying at one tent so she’s sleeping there too. Great! How can I forget that.

‘Calm! Kudo! She’s just sleeping there. Nothing will happen!’


The next day went something strange for me. Weird. That is what I feel right now. Starting last night I had this uneasy feeling. And whenever I looked at Miyano, I instantly blushed and looked away.

“Ayumi-chan, do know the name of that oniichan who tell you that story?” Mitsuhiko asked.

“No, he just told me that story when he helped me,” Ayumi answered.

“Is that really the ending of that story?” Mitsuhiko asked while pouting, probably disappointed on how the story ended.

“Yes. But he said that maybe the ending can change, that it was base on how the characters want their life really end, so there’s a possibility that maybe they really end up with each other,” she cheerfully stated.

“Then why did that prince dump her princess?” Genta asked while munching something. He sure had a big storage for foods. “I asked that oniichan too and he said that ‘Maybe he realize that his feelings for that princess wasn’t true love’, that is what he told me,” Ayumi said.

“Ne! I really want to meet that Oniichan too,” Mitsuhiko said. “He’s cool, I think.” he added while holding his chin, grinning widely.

“Kids, come here, we’re going to eat now and later we’re going to go fishing!” Hakase shouted. “Yehey!” they cheered and run to Hakase.

When I glanced at Miyano, I noticed that she’s doing the lunch all by herself. “Why don’t you help rather than staring at me?” Miyano stated as she continue what she doing. “A-Ah, H-Hai?” I awkwardly answered, approaching her. Damn. Calm yourself, Kudo.


After finishing lunch, the kids go fishing in a nearby lake as what Hakase promised to them.

Sitting and doing nothing is sure boring. I exhaled and get my phone from my pocket and start playing a game. When I get bored, I decided to capture pictures.

I was surprised when my camera was suddenly focused at Miyano. She was too busy reading the book she borrowed at my house. I put down my camera and unconsciously smiled at her.

Well, good thing, she can take a break. I placed my phone back at my pocket and secretly stared at her. She’s leaning back at the chair and the wind slowly blows her strawberry-blonde locks. She looks calm while reading the book.

“Why do you always stare at me?” Miyano said but not looking at me. I instantly looked away feeling my face getting warm. Argh! Stop staring, Kudo!

“Tss,” She hissed and frowned. She closed her book and sighed. She sat straightly while gazing at me, raising her brows and smirked.

Oh no! Not that smirk. I can already smell danger and trouble just by looking at those. Argh! She’s going to tease me.

“Rather than staring at me what do you want to do?” she teases, tilting her head from one side. Maybe get close to you and stare at those beautiful turquoise eyes that I think that was starting to hypnotize me. “W-What?” I unconsciously blurted, startled on my weird thoughts.

“Embarrassed eh?” she asked, crossing her arms. Amusement and curiosity are shown on her eyes.

“N-No!” I quickly defended and looking at her. Damn, she’s definitely enjoying watching me struggled.

She stands up and started walking slowly towards me. “Kudo-kun.” she sweetly said, completely making me crazy.

Wah! She’s just three steps away from me. What to do!’

I looked away again and stand up, taking steps backwards. “Oh yeah? I need to call Hattori. He said that he’s going to say something to me. Just stay here okay?” I stated, walking away.

Walk faster Kudo. I groaned and scratched my head. “Tch.” I hissed and hastily grabbed my phone. I really need to someone to talk to, to clear these weird thoughts about her.

I dialed Hattori’s number and look around. Good, no one’s around.


“Hattori, I want to ask you something,” I quickly stated when he answered my call.

“Oh how sweet of you, you don’t even bother greeting your best buddy,” he sarcastically said.

“Hehehe, well, hello, Hattori,” I said, trying to sound cheerful.

“Tch, what do you want?” he huffed while asking. “Ahm?” How can I explain it to him?

“Hattori, uhmm... There’s something that’s bothering me,” I stated slowly, thinking the right words that would help me to explain this very confusing feeling.

“Uh yeah? And that is what?”

“Do you know something about love?” I hesitantly asked.

There was sudden silence when he heard me and his laugh followed after. “Hahaha. What kind of question is that?” he asked while laughed.

“Tss. Just answer it.” I groaned and hold my neck. “Pft. Why should I? You always claim that you’re better than me in solving cases,” he said. “Well, Yeah? You don’t know anything about love,” he added, teasing me.

“Dense.” Hattori whispered that I didn’t hear. I shook my head, thinking maybe it was just part of my imagination. “Oh please help me, master of love, Hattori-kun,” I teased and he laughs again.

“Is it possible to someone, to make their heart beat as different as it beat when they’re with someone whom they think they loved?” I asked, seriously and sighed.

He suddenly stopped from laughing and stayed silent. “Wait?! You like someone other than Ran?” he exclaimed, unconsciously raising his voice.

I was stunned at the moment when he said that. “W-What?! N-No!” I answered and covered my mouth when I noticed that I almost shouted.

“You’re stuttering, Kudo.” He uttered and laughed. “Wow. I don’t know how to react. But is it true?”

“N-No! I.... I don’t know.”

“Well, for me I think my conclusion are right, but tell me who?”

“What ‘who’?”

“Tss. You’re nonsense, Kudo. Never mind. I need to go now. Just greet that little evil girl for me. Hahaha,” he said and laughed.

“Wha—” He suddenly hung up.

Tss. What a great friend. I mentally cursed Hattori for not answering my question. But what bothered me is what he said earlier. Haaaaaaa! What do you mean by that, Hattori?

Wait? He thinks that I like someone else. Does that mean I like Miyano? Tch. That’s i-impossible.

My phone suddenly vibrated which startled me from my thoughts. I looked at the screen and saw the caller’s ID. Ran Calling... Huh? Why is she calling me? “Moshi, moshi?” I greeted. “Yow Ran. It’s been a lon—”

“S-Shinichi.” Her voice cracked when she mumbled my name.

“N-Ne?” I confusedly answered. “Is there a problem, Ran?” I asked her and heard her sighed.

“Can you let me speak for a while and listen to me?” she asked making me instantly nervous. “H-Hai.” Why do I feel suddenly nervous?

“S-Shinichi.” She stuttered just by saying my name. “S-Shinichi, I’m s-sorry.” Her voice hint sadness and pain.


“I’m s-sorry, I’m s-sorry b-but I can’t take this a-anymore. It’s been three years; t-three damn years but you still haven’t return. I’m t-tired sorry but I feel like you don’t care anymore,”

I closed my eyes while listening to her muffled sobs. No, stop, I care, I really care for you. I suddenly feel numb. It’s feels like I have a lump in my throat. I can’t speak but I need to.

“S-Sorry, S-Shinichi, but please it’s for our own good, I hope you understand, I’m sorry.” she cries.

I just stayed silent and listened to her cries.

“If you have nothing to say then I need to go.” I said, getting confused by something. “S-Shinichi, I-I’m really sorry,” she said, her sobs are getting louder.

“N-no, i-its o-okay, I understand.” I tried to control my feelings and fight the urge to cry. I hang up and stayed silent and sighed.

“Ran.” I closed my eyes and sighed again. “I’m sorry for not being there when you needed me too. I’m sorry for leaving you. I’m sorry R-Ran. I’m sorry for everything.” I kept mumbling. What is this feeling? This feeling. It’s making me really confuse. Thinking of many such things, I didn’t notice that I was crying. “I’m sorry,” I mumbled and decided to let my tears fall.

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