Chapter XXXIV

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Chapter 34: ‘Gone’


“Hattori?” Shinichi called and saw him silently sitting at the rooftop of the FBI’s HQ. Heiji’s back was leaning at the bench. Heiji looked at him and tilted his head. “Why did you call me? Can’t sleep?” Heiji asked and Shinichi just nodded.

“Come here, bud.” Heiji said and tapped the space beside him. Shinichi smiled and walked towards his friend. They stayed silent as they watched the sleeping city of Beika.

“Can I tell you something, Heij?” Shinichi sighed and looked at Heiji. He’s fidgeting his fingers and looked down. Heiji nodded and sat closer to Shinichi. “Why? What’s the problem?” Heiji asked, worriedly.

“To be honest, I-I’ve been bothered by that message.” Shinichi confessed and heaved a sigh again. “I don’t know. I… I don’t know why am I feeling this.” He added and covered his face with his hands.

“But I… I’m too afraid.” Shinichi weakly mumbled. “Heij, I’m afraid that I might lose everyone,” he added and sobbed. He’s been holding that heavy feeling after they received the letter.

This is the first time Heiji saw Shinichi cry. For him, Shinichi would always show his strong side to anyone so that they won’t think that Shinichi’s weak. But I guess, this was too much to bare for you Kudo. Heiji thought as he gently tapped his friend’s back.

“Heij, I’m afraid to lose her. I might lose my sanity if that happens.” Shinichi whispered. “I’m sorry for worrying you but I need this because this was just too much heavy for me,” Heiji just continued tapping his friend’s back as he mumbled ‘Don’t worry, it’s okay’ to Shinichi.

That scene that happened yesterday kept repeating at Heiji’s mind as he looked at Shinichi. Shinichi’s hand was left hanging as he stared at nothing.

“Kudo,” Shinichi felt Heiji held his shoulders for him to stand up. The lighthouse was near to collapse and fall. But his mind stopped as the scenario that happened few minutes ago kept repeating in his mind.

“I failed.” He whispered to himself. At that moment, he feels nothing. He can’t feel the exhaustion or even the pain in his shoulder. All he knew was he was being dragged out the lighthouse then everything went black.

The loud wailing sounds of the ambulance’s sirens echoed in the port. Everyone was rushing to aid the wounded officers and agents. Fortunately, Heiji and the others got away from the already fallen lighthouse. They were now resting while the doctors are cleaning their wounds.

Heiji heaved out a sigh of relief, he was thankful that everyone survived from this battle.

But then he remembered something. ‘Not everyone survived’ He closed his eyes and clenched his fists, trying to calm himself. When he opened his eyes, it landed to the unconscious Shinichi who’s lying at the stretcher behind him. The doctors already check his friend’s shoulder and treated it.

He heaved a sigh again. He doesn’t know what to do if ever Shinichi woke up. He doesn’t know how he would explain things to him.

He already knew what Shinichi’s biggest fear is. And it was to lose her.

Heiji’s eyes started to tear up. He doesn’t want Shinichi to suffer but how. How can he tell him that she’s gone?

She’s gone forever.


“Yes, Hakase.” Heiji answered as he stared out of the window.

He faked a smile and closed his eyes. “No, don’t worry about me. I can take care of myself.” He said, forcing himself to sound okay. “I’ll stay here until his parents arrived.” He added and tightened his hold on his phone.

“Okay, I’ll see you later then.” He bid and hanged up. It’s been a week since the tragedy happened. Worst scenarios already happened. The agents told them that Gin had escaped when they were helping the others escaped from the lighthouse. Moreover, Shinichi, who’s still unconscious, was staying at the hospital. The latter doesn’t even know what happened for the past few days and also about his lover.

Heiji, who insisted to stay with him, was standing near the window staring blankly at him. The nurse was busily checking Shinichi again. He leaned on the wall and crossed his arms, watching them silently. “Thank you,” he uttered when the nurse finished his work.

He walked towards Shinichi and sat beside him. He stared at his friend for a minute. “Damn, Kudo.” Heiji whispered and sighed. He’s just keeping himself strong because he knew that his friend will need him the moment he wakes up. “Wake up, please.” He mumbled and looked down.


“The court already released the results of the Black Organization’s case,” Jodie-sensei said as she hand over the copy of the case to Heiji. “They said that the members of the organization will be imprisoned for now since they don’t know if these people deserve to live.” She added and glanced at Shinichi.

“So Cool guy is still sleeping, huh?” Jodie-sensei said and sat at the sofa. “He might want to replace sleeping beauty and become the modern version.” She joked as she noticed how the other teen looked at his friend, worriedly.

“Then should I kiss him for him to wake up?” Heiji ride along and forced a smile. “He will sure hit you or kick you if he finds out that you kissed him.” Jodie-sensei said and laughs. “I can already imagine his cringing face.” Heiji added and shook his head.

“And also, us, bickering and fighting over something.” He sighed and his eyes became sad again. “Damn.” He covered his face and noticed that he’s already shedding a tear.
Jodie-sensei immediately walked behind Heiji and slowly tapped the latter’s back. “Don’t worry, he’ll wake up soon. He’s strong. We all know that, okay?” Jodie-sensei reassured as she gently rubbed Heiji’s back.


Shinichi frowned when he heard the door creaked. Then the chair that he assumed that was near him was moved and felt someone presence beside him. “Kudo.” Someone whispered and held Shinichi’s hand. Shinichi tried to open his eyes but to his frustration, he can’t. He groaned as he felt his head throbbed.

He felt something soft touch his hand. “Kudo.” Someone sobbed and held his hand tight. He can clearly hear someone crying beside him.

What happened? Where am I? He thought as he struggled to move his body. He feels so tired and exhausted. All he can hear was the sounds of the machine beeping and silent cry of the person beside him.

He doesn’t know why he’s here? All he can remember is that he was at the lighthouse then after that…..

What happened? He thought again. He can’t remember. He can feel his eyes watering as he tries to remember what happened next. He’s confused when he felt worried for some reason. Then his heart started to beat very fast as he felt the person beside him kissed his forehead. “Lying here like this is not like you. So get up soon.” The person whispered. He then felt the stranger released his hand and walked away. For some reason, he felt so blank.

“Kudo?” He hastily got up from his bed and holds his head. “Argh.” He groaned and attempted to look around. He saw a blur figure of a woman sitting beside him and then he suddenly loses his consciousness.

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