Chapter VII

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Chapter 7: 'Are you jealous?'


Starting yesterday, the guy named Watson always visits Haibara. I don't know what happening to me but whenever I see Watson, my blood starts to boil. I can't go at Hakase's house because right now, yes NOW that guy visits Miyano AGAIN.

Yesterday, I went to detective agency. More to my surprise, I saw Ran with Araide-san. She was thanking him and smiling widely at him. And when she saw me her smile slowly faded.

"Shinichi?" she greeted.

"Yo, Ran," What's the meaning of this?

"Uhm. Are you with someone?"

'Do you see anyone?' Haibara's voice suddenly echoed in my head. Wah! How come her voice comes up in my mind? Tss. Her remarks.

"Shinichi?" she repeated when I didn't answer her.

"Ah? No. Just walking around," And wanted to visit you. I want to add that but I am too shy.

"Oh? Okay." She nodded and quickly glanced at her wristwatch. "I need to go now. You know dad always mess up every morning. Sorry," she apologetically smiled.

Of course I knew that since I always see the same scenario when I was Conan. "Okay?" But did she say sorry again? "Ra-"

"Bye, Shinichi." Ran said and.... sadly smiled?

My thoughts were interrupted when someone laughs. Tch. That noisy guy, he always laughs I bet that Haibara was always annoyed by him. Yes, I can hear them because we're both outside our house. He looks around and saw me.

"Yo! Kudo guy!" he greeted and waved his hand at me.

I just nodded and shrugged. Tch, shut up man!

"Will you please stop laughing?" I heard Haibara said.

"But you're too funny, and too predictable," Watson laughed again.

"I'll wring your neck if you don't stop," Miyano warned making him coughed and stopped.

I mentally smirked because of that. Serves you right!

"I'm going to mall, so please leave," she coldly said.

Wait? Shopping? I should come with her so that I can check on her.

"Hey! Miyano!" I shouted, making her looked at me. "Can I come with you?" I asked as I walked towards her.

She confusedly looked at me. "Why are-"

"Can I come too?" Watson interrupted. "And why should you?" I asked, looking at him while frowning.

"Why are you asking me? Are you her boyfriend?" he asked and glared at me.


"Oh really? Then, I think I can court her now? At first, I really think you are her boyfriend, but just like what you said," he paused. "You're not, so you have no rights to-"

"Boys, stop it," she cuts him. "I can manage. I don't need someone," she said.

"And what do you mean by courting huh?" she asked Watson.

"Secret," And he pulled her away.

Hey! Tch. That guy! He's making me angry.

At the store

Miyano was walking silently between us. She was looking at the list on her hand when Watson speaks.

"You should buy this," he said as he pointed something.

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