Chapter XV

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Chapter 15: ‘Unexpected’


“Shut up and dance with me~” he sings as he put his killer smile again.

I watched him as he tries to dance with his arm around me. He smiles like he doesn’t feel pain, like nothing wrong happened in his life.

I still can’t believe what Nanay Anna said about what he really feel. I doubt it but still I’m not sure if it’s true.

But seeing him this happy, I just wish he’s not faking it, I wish he’s really happy. Because seeing him suffer because of my fault is one of the most painful scene for me to see.

“Hey? Miyano?” he muttered while smiling at me.

“Ah? Y-Yeah?”

“You’re spacing out, I said let’s dance,” he offered and smiled widely.

I stayed staring at him, when my eyes gazed at his lips. His smile. “How I wish I’m one of the reasons why he smile.” I thought.

“Stop staring. You said it’s rude right?” he said and smirked.

I rolled my eyes at him, looking away. “Tss. I’m just thinking what will I do to someone who keeps on bothering me?” I said as I continue to think of him.

His brows furrowed and gave me a curious look. “Who?” he asked and raised his brows.

“Someone,” I simply answered.

He huffed and puckered his lips. “Tch. Nice answer,” he scoffed and glared at me. He kept on glaring at me and suddenly I burst on laughing at him.

“What?” he asked while pouting, which I found adorable.

“Curious on someone I think, huh?”

“I’m not!” he disagreed. “I just want to know,” he added and I shrugged.
“Someone special?”

“Not need to know,” I said, trying to annoy him.

He huffed again and crossed his arms. “Who? That Watson!”

I abruptly looked at him and saw him frowning and trying to look for an answer.

Is he jealous again?

Again? Seriously? What am I thinking? I want to laugh at myself because of what I’m thinking.

“Don’t mention him. Don’t worry, I’m not thinking about him,” I stated and walked faster. He walked faster too until we’re walking beside each other. “I’m still your favorite partner, right?” He asked while pouting.

“Tch. Don’t worry, no one can replace you.”


“I’m not going to repeat what I said,” I secretly smiled, enjoying his baffled reaction.

“W-wha? You’re unfair.”


After the parade was finished; we stopped at the middle of the plaza. There are many photographers around, someone selling balloons, selling bracelets and necklaces. And a karaoke machine?

There is a sign beside the machine. “Pay before you use it.” It says.

“Can you sing for me?” he asked.

“I’m not good at singing,” I said.

“Please just one only?” he pleaded.

I sighed and nod. “Fine, just one,” I said. “What song?” I asked.

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