Chapter XXXI

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Chapter 31: ‘Battle’



“Sherry.” I heard a cold voice calling me and it made me shiver. That voice. It’s from…

“Gin.” I breathed out as he grasped my hair to make me looked at him. “Look what we have here.” He said and laughed coldly.

My sight is still blurry as he lifted my head. “It’s been a long time, Sherry.” He gritted his teeth and tightened his hold on my hair. “Finally, the traitor is here.” He mumbled and smirked.

I glared at him and smirked back. “Oooh? That stare can kill, do you know that?” he said and laughed again. “Yes, I want to kill you, bastard.” I hissed and glared.

“Scary,” he mocked and smirked. “Let’s see if you can still maintain that if you see him,” he said and let go of my hair. He walked backwards and I saw Kudo-kun lying on the floor. He was breathing hard and grunting.

“Kudo?” I whispered as he looked up at me. He was soaked in his own blood but managed to show a weak smile. “I’m f-fine.” He whispered and grunted again.

“Woah! What a lovely view,” Gin sarcastically said and clapped his hand. “But no fun,” he added and pulled out his gun. He pointed it to Kudo and looked at me, coldly.

“Sherry, I’m giving you one last chance. Go back to the organization and I’ll spare him.” he said and smirked.

“S-Shiho, d-don’t!” Kudo said and coughed. “Damn, I’m not talking to you!” Gin angrily shouted and kicked him.

“Choose,” he coldly said and aimed at Kudo’s head. “N-No.” I’m sorry, Shin but I rather choose to go back and spare you.

“S-Spare him,” I whispered and Gin smirked. “Cali.” He called and a guy approached us. “You already know what to do.” He coldly said and the guy dragged Kudo outside.

“Sherry, I think you already know how we play games right.” He whispered and walked towards me. “We play dirty,” he whispered and a loud sound echoed in the whole room that woke me up from my…

...Nightmare? It’s just a dream? “Shiho?” Kudo called as he abruptly open the door of my room.

“Is she safe?” I heard Jodie-sensei’s said. He sighed in relief and nodded in response. “Let’s go. We need to go somewhere safe for the two of you,” she said and headed outside. Kudo handed something for us to wear.

The sound of alarm roared at the whole place. “Men, move!” Many FBI agents are now roaming around, checking the place where the explosion happened. Others are checking if there are any wounded agents.



“So they finally make a move.” Jodie-sensei whispered as she looked at monitor where the explosion happened. She quickly checked us and leads us out of our room.

I immediately called Hattori as soon as we arrived at the meeting room. “Cool kid, do you want to inform your parents about this?” Jodie-sensei asked and looked at me. I quickly shook my head. “No, I want them to stay out of this,” I answered and stared at the monitor. “After all, this is my prob—”

“Our problem,” Shiho said which made me looked at her. She stared at me and she gave me a soft smile.

“Ma’am!” The agent who’s facing the monitor, called Jodie-sensei. He pointed the monitor 8, the place that was blown up. An agent waved at the camera and was holding something. “Bring it here,” she said at the microphone.

A broken bottle? I thought.

“KUDO?!” The door swung open with a loud thud. “Kudo!” Hattori’s voiced echoed in the whole room. “Stop being so exaggerated.” Shiho calmly said and coldly stared at Hattori. He was breathing heavily as he stared back at Shiho.

“Aish! You guys made me worried,” he said and scanned the room. When his eyes landed on me, he let out a sigh. He sat across Shiho and wiped his sweat. “Phew, I didn’t know that it was too tiring to run.” He said.

Shiho smirked and whispered ‘Idiot’. Hattori snorted and started a fight with her. “Good thing, your friend is here. She’ll be distracted for a while.” Jodie-sensei whispered while looking at the two. Hattori pouted and said something while, Shiho, on the other hand, continue to tease the poor Hattori.

The agent on the camera arrives while holding a bottle and a piece of paper. “It was already broken when we saw the bottle. As for the paper, it was on the bottle’s mouth.” the agent explained and places it on the table.



“It was already broken when we saw the bottle. As for the paper, it was on the bottle’s mouth.” The agent said and Shinichi stared at it.

My brows knitted when I saw the bottle. It caught my attention. “Sherry,” I whispered. It was a bottle of my favorite liquor. They all looked at me, surprised because of what I said. Shinichi inspected it and frowned. “She’s right.” He said in low tone.

Hattori snatched the paper and read it out loud.

“Dear Detective Kid and Sherry,

Tomorrow at exact 10:00 pm, a huge surprise will explode. It’s where they give light to someone who can’t see their way back. Can you locate it? Hope your friends were still breathing after that. Enjoy being alive that maybe your last day.

Find us. We’re ready to sentence your death, detective kid, especially you, Sherry. We will be waiting.


Shinichi slammed his fists and heaved a sigh. He lowered his head and closed his eyes, trying to calm himself. “Shin.” He looked up at me and met his cobalt eyes. His gaze softened when he stared at me. I can still remember what he said last night. He promised to fight, to fight for us. And now I promised to fight too, not for myself but for him.

“Cool kid.” He looked at Jodie-sensei with his serious eyes. “What’s your plan then?” she asked.

“We’re going, sensei.” He answered in a serious tone. “We need to finish them.” He said and clenched his fists. “And I think, I already have the idea where they are going.”

He then told us his plan and asked for the cooperation of police forces. We will first rescue all the guest of the party while the others will try to distract the BO. “If you need someone who can interfere the party. The perfect option is me,” We heard a guy said behind us.

“Kaito kid?”

“Yours truly,” Kid said and bowed. “Though I have my own business there, Tantei-san.” he said and smirked. “By the way, I just saw the explosion and decided to look at it. Never knew you were here,” he shrugged and turned back. “Expect me at the party then,” he said and flies away.

“Then, everything is settled now. Let’s proceed to our next plan.” Hattori said.

I just hope my dream won’t happen. It’s what I fear the most.

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