Chapter XXVIII

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Chapter 28: ‘Cali’


As what we promise, we spent our whole time with them. The kids never get tired of playing with us. Even Grant’s friends can’t believe that we’re leaving today. I didn’t really plan to leave yet but Jodie-sensei’s message bother me a lot. I should stay here. We want to stay here as long as we want.

But the Black Organization wanted us to get caught. They wanted her to get killed. And I need to—we need to end this battle with them. We need to stop them.

To make sure that they won’t bring anymore danger to anybody.
To our love ones, our friends.
And especially her.

I want to give her the freedom that she longs.

The assurance that the next time she goes out of somewhere, there will be no danger that awaits her. That she won’t be the rat that her prey waits whenever she goes out of her hideout.

Maybe this is the reason why I fell for her.
I wanted to protect her. I want to be that someone who she can lean on whenever she needed someone just like what she always does. My will to protect her lead me to this and I won’t regret it.

I love her and I don’t want to lose her and that fact strengthens my will.


“Earth to Kudo!” Miyano said and cupped my face. “We still need to helped them,” she added and pinched me.

“Huh?” I think my brain got virus and it slowing my system. I can’t absorb what Miyano said.

She’s too near and it’s too suffocating.
“Go back to senses, Sherlock. You’re spacing out.” Then she gently slapped my right cheek. “Staring is—”

“—rude. I know but I won’t care being rude as long as I can stare at you,” I unconsciously said and stared at her turquoise eyes. Her eyes are too beautiful and it is pulling me to her deepest world. I can’t resist myself looking at those two beautiful orbs.

She was stunned at the moment and since her face was just inch away from mine, I can clearly see pink tints slowly appeared at her cheeks.

She stepped back and looked away. “Baaro,” she whispered.

“You always call me stupid,” I pouted. “But I will take that as an endearment from you, like ‘baaro’ or ‘baka’ is your special endearment for me.” I teased and smirked.

“But it would be much sweeter if you call me babe or love or swee—”

“Kudo-kun!” she warned but she’s blushing.

“Yes, love?” I teased and she glared.

“You’re crazy,” she stated and shook her head. I can clearly remember when I endlessly teased her last night because she smiled when she heard the record. She’s so pissed and threw many dagger looks at me.

“Crazy in love with you,” I said and winked at her. Her mouth agape and shook her head again.

“Love birds! Sorry again to ruin your moment but helped us first here,” Watson butted in. “Continue your lovey-dovey moment later,” he smirked.

“Whatever, fairy godfather,” Miyano said and I smirked. “Well, you became our little matchmaker here so you really are fairy godfather,” I added.

He glared at me and pulled me at the lake. He splashed water at my face. “Watson!” I exclaimed, stunned.

I did the same and he laughs. “Stop it already, kids.” Miyano said and crossed her arms. “Tch. Childish.” Math seconded, shaking her head.

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