Chapter III

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Chapter 3: ‘Argument’


The sun shines bright this morning. Did I fell asleep again when I’m working? Maybe not, cause I’m here at my bed— Huh?

“K-Kudo-kun?” I whispered when I saw him sleeping in the chair. He’s h-holding my hand? I shook my head to avoid blushing. Then I remembered my dream or I should say nightmare. He was there, he was happy and suddenly everything turns black.
He called name. He ran to me, hugged me and smiled. And then.... He was shot! Gin fired his gun to Kudo! He protects me and got all the shots that were for me! He smiled bitterly at me and he slowly closes his eyes. He was dead. The organization wants him dead.

My thoughts were stopped when he stirred. He squeezed my hand tightly and yawned while looking at me.

“Ohayo, Haibara,” he smiled while stretched his body.

“I would be glad to accept that, but you haven’t brush your teeth, and you have a bad breath,” I smirked and teased him.

“Tsk. So as you,” he said still holding my hand. “I can deduce that you just woke up because your hair looks like a bird’s nest,” he lazily said and yawned again.

My eyes widen when he said that. Did it really look like—I raked my hair quickly and glared when he laughs. “Hahahaha, you believe me? It really looks like you didn’t slept because your hair is still fix.” he laughed. I glared at him and he surrendered while laughing.



She’s still changing clothes when I go at the kitchen. Good thing, Ran prepared more foods. I put it in the microwave and wait. I already prepared coffee for the two of us.

“Where’s Hakase?” Haibara asked when she come out of her room.

“Convention for 3 days, he said," I answered. “He’ll be back before the.... camp?” Wait?! We will have a camping with the Detective Boys after 3 days. But I need to become Shinichi.

“Oh? So Mr. Sherlock forgot about the camping?” she teases while smirking at me.

“I-It’s not that I .... F-Fine! I forgot!” I stuttered as I looked away. Damn woman, she never got tired teasing me.

“Too excited to become Detective of East again, the detective forgot his promise to the kids,” she coldly said, glaring at me.

“Oi! Oi! Look I’m sorry okay,” I said as I scratched my neck. I heard the microwave chimed and I carefully pulled out the bowl with a soup.

“What’s that?” she curiously asked, looking at the bowl. “Food for us, Ran cooked this,” I casually said and get two small bowls for the two of us, putting it at the dining table.

“Well, sorry, detective, I’m fine with the coffee,” she said and she stands up, planning to go at the living room.

“Hey! Wait!” I said and grabbed her arm. “Why are you always like that?” I’m annoyed. She’s always like this. What did Ran do to her? It’s like she hates Ran?
She removed my arm and looked at me. “Always like what?” she asked, frowning.

“You’re always avoiding Ran, you never talk or smile at her, when she give something to you, food or anything, you always dismissed it,” I hissed.

“Oh? About your girlfriend?” She stopped then raised her brows. “It’s not your business, don’t mind that,” She shrugged while looking at me.

“Don’t mind? It’s Ran we’re talking about!” I shouted. I want to ask her why? Why does she hate her? “It’s not—”

“Why do you hate her so much?!” She was surprised with my sudden outburst even me, I don’t know what happening to me?

“Why do you even care?” she asked, coldly.

I just stare at her. This woman’s tough.

She let out a heavy sigh and looked away. “Looks like you’ll never give up,” she lowered her head. "She reminds me of my sister, that’s it. Satisfied?” she blankly said and looked at me.

I clenched my jaw. Out of anger, I blurted words that I didn’t know that I will regret. “Then, you should be happy because she reminds you of you—” before I can finish she give me an intense death glare.

“Happy? Do you even know what you’re saying?” She said and laughed coldly. “Happy? Should I be happy for reminding me of my deceased sister? Kudo! Have you forgotten that my sister is DEAD,” she said, her eyes are starting to tear up. By that time, I know I’ve crossed the line.

After I realized what I’ve done, guilt slowly stricken me. I remember how Akemi-san died in my arms, that I don’t even make a move when she died. I lowered my head and felt ashamed. I just realized that I have everything while she was left with nothing. Life was so unfair to her.

“I’m s-sorry, it was my fault if I just do something to save her, then maybe she’s s-still alive, I’m sorry.” I apologized and closed my eyes. This always happen whenever we argue, we always take the blame and guilt always wins.

“Forget about it. Nothing will change what happened in the past.” She sighed and turned her back. “I thought you’re going to a case; I already prepared the antidote you asked. Just call Hakase to make an excuse for us,” she said and started to walked away.

Damn it, you’re such a jerk, Kudo. I mentally cursed as I heard her room door slammed hard.

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