Chapter I

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Chapter 1: ‘Letter?’



My voice echoed at the whole room as I rushed towards Haibara at the living room, calling her name. When I found her, she was just calmly sitting at one of the posh chairs, holding magazine in her hand. She looked at me with a frown in her face, unpleased since I disturbed her, I guess?

She suddenly speaks while I’m still catching my breath. “What do you need now, Kudo-kun?” she said in her... ah, well usual cold tone. Her brows are raised and she was giving me a death glares that surely gives me chills before.

I decided to shrug it and ignore her glares. I heaved a sigh first to compose myself before answering her question. “I need a prototype antidote. Someone needs my help,” I exhaled, looking down as I handed to her the letter that I received a while ago when I visited my old house nearby.

She just hummed and flipped the magazine pages. “Hmm? About your angel?” When I glanced at her, I didn’t realize that she was now focused looking at the magazine, so she didn’t noticed the letter and my hand that was holding the letter was left hanging.

But wait? What did she said? Angel? Who?
I frowned and placed the letter above the magazine that she’s reading. “No. I think, just some random clients that wants me to solve some cases,” Who is she talking about? Hmm? Maybe Ran?

She examined the letter and looked at me. “Then why don’t you go now? Not satisfied being a kid?” Tss. There she goes again in her sarcastic remarks and her smirk.

“Silly! I need to go there as Shinichi Kudo not as Conan Edogawa!” I grunted and my furrowed my eyebrows. “And they called me many times. Many, many times,” I added, scrolling the call history at my phone while massaging my temple.

“Fine, then I’ll just give it to you later or maybe tomorrow,” The lass answered as she goes back flipping the pages of the fashion magazine she’s reading.

“Prepare some clothes for yourself. I need you there too,” I said as I started to walk to the kitchen to make myself some coffee. “Hmm?” she hummed, maybe she didn’t hear me. I guess she’s too engrossed in her magazine. I stopped, turning around to look at her. “I said, I need you there with me,” I repeated while looking at her.

“And who says I’m coming with you?” she raised an eyebrow, glaring at me. She just lowered the magazine showing her beautiful turquoise eyes. EH? W-What did I just thought?

I shrugged to stop my thoughts. “Well, they told me that I should bring a partner, so whether you like it or not you're going with me, because you’re my partner, right?” I smirked in my remarks.

“Whatever you say, detective freak,” she uttered and she rolled her eyes. What a cold woman. I thought.

“Well it’s done, I’ll prepare my clothes later then,” I’m very happy because just for a day I can become Shinichi again and maybe I can meet Ran tomorrow. I still need to explain many things to her.



♪Stone cold, stone cold
You’re dancing with her, while I’m staring at my phone♪

I felt so bored so I decided to turn the radio on, but I think it was a bad idea. The song….this song shouts pain, it was a good song, I guess, but it was full of hurt.

♪Stone cold, Stone cold
I was your amber but now she’s your shade of gold♪

I bitterly smiled as I heard the lyrics clearly. Yes. She was precious to him. I knew it but I can’t help myself to fall for that idiot.

♪Stone cold, baby
God knows I try to feel
Happy for you know that I am
Even if I can’t understand♪

I closed my eyes as I remember our conversation this morning. I know deep inside him, he want to become his self not just for that case but also for her. Yes, only for HER.

♪I’ll take the pain, give me the truth
Me and my heart will make it through, If happy is her
If happy is her, I’m happy for you♪

She was his happiness. And I don’t have the rights to ruin it. I’m the one who destroyed their happiness, their lives. It was my entire fault. So all I can do is to keep these feelings for him. I don’t regret falling for someone like him. But these feelings, these feelings should be kept. These feelings should be hidden.

I unconsciously smiled as I recall my conversation with him.

“Prepare some clothes for yourself. I need you there too,” I heard him say. Are my ears playing tricks with me? Did he really say that he needs me? “Hmm?” I secretly stole a glance and saw him walking towards the kitchen. He turned around and looked at me. “I said, I need you there with me.” He answered still looking at me.

“And who says I’m coming with you?” I asked as I raised a brow, playfully glaring at him. I mentally slapped myself for blushing at his words. Good thing, he did not notice it.

He shrugged. “Well, they told me that I should bring a partner, so whether you like it or not you're going with me, because you're my partner, right?” he smirked.

“Whatever you say, detective freak,” I rolled my eyes but deep down I’m happy that I’m lucky enough because he sees me that way.
He called me many times, his partner. I’m happy that I’m his partner but that is only what we are. Nothing more, nothing less.

Well, I should better prepare the antidote for that baka. I thought as I stared back at the monitor, rapidly typing in my computer. And prepare for the hurt for such scene that I will see when I come with that detective freak.

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