Chapter XI

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Chapter 11: ‘Cute?’


A group of people where roaming at the forest looking for something that they can gather. Unluckily, there’s a landslide happened yesterday and they can’t climb back at the mountain. They were busy picking fallen branches and fruits when they heard the child shout.

“MAMA! There’s a person here. Someone, help me!” the child shouted.

They rush towards the child and see two lying persons. They lift them and carefully bring them to their house.



“Mom, do you think they’re going to wake up now?” I suddenly heard a kid’s voice near me. My head is throbbing hard and I can feel my back aching.

“I don’t know, just watch that guy and call us if something happen,” A woman answered and heard the door closed.

Where am I? I tried to stretch my hand and good thing, someone notice it.

“Sir? Are you okay?” the kid asked. I can feel him holding my arm. “Papa! Mama! Oniichan’s awake,” the kid shouted.

“Arghh!” I hissed as I try to get up.

“Be careful, Sir.” The kid said as he carefully help me to get up from bef.

‘What happe— HAIBARA!’ My eyes widen when I remembered her.

I hastily get up, holding the pain and looked around the room.

“If you’re looking for your girlfriend, she’s resting at the other room,” the woman said as she entered the room.

Girlfriend, huh?’ I just forced a smile and winced again when my back started to ache again.

“Just rest tonight and tomorrow, we will check your wounds, Good night!” the woman said and held the kid’s hand. I nodded and mouthed thank you to her.


Next Day...

Finally! I’m fully recovered. They checked at my wounds and said that it was all healed.

“But where is Haibara?” I whispered to myself and looked around the room again. The door of my room suddenly opened, revealing the woman who talked to me last night.

“Ohayo! Well, good to see you’re okay now,” The woman greeted as she holds a tray of food that I think that was for me.

I slightly bow at her and thank her. “Thank you for taking care of us and me,” I said and smiled at the woman.

“Well, maybe I should introduce myself, I am Amber and the kid you saw last night was Grant, my son,” she said as she carefully approached the table next to me.

“A-Ah? I am S-Shinichi, nice meeting you,” I stuttered looking at Amber. She was beautiful and I guess she’s just a year older than Shiho. But Shiho’s a lot more beautifu—Eh? What am I thinking?!

And wait? Why am I calling her Shiho? “Oh? And the lady who’s with you was—”

“Her name was Shiho,” I smiled and mentally slapped myself for calling her Shiho for the third time.

“Haha, what I mean is, she woke up last night too,” she said and laughed softly. “Her name suits her, by the way. A beautiful name for beautiful woman,” she added while nodding.

“You sure are a lucky guy to have a girlfriend like her.” She said and laughed when I blushed. Kuso, why am I blushing? “Well, I just came here to bring your food and I will check on her after,” Amber said.

“Can I join you?” I asked, removing the blanket that covered my body. I jumped out of the bed and wear the slippers.

“Hahaha, are you worried for your girlfriend? Hmm?” she teased again and smirked.

I blushed and looked away. “S-She’s n-not m-my g-girlfriend.” I stuttered, shaking my head.

“Hahaha, okay, if you say so,” she said while laughing. I, then, get the tray and helped her bringing it. She opened the door for me and led the way to Miyano’s room which was just across mine.

I wandered my eyes and looked around. Their house was simple, a bungalow type and was made out of woods. It was just small maybe just perfect one for starting a family.

“Mama! Papa’s calling you!” Grant appeared shouting and running towards us.

“Okay, I’ll just check our visitor first okay?” Amber answered. But Grant wasn’t paying attention to her. He was curiously looking at me.

“Hi, G-Grant.” I greeted awkwardly, waving my hand at him.

“Hi, Kuya? (Oniichan)” He cheerfully said and smiled widely.

“Okay, mama. I’ll go with my friends, they said that we were going to catch grasshoppers,” he cheerfully said and run outside.

“OKAY! BE CAREFUL GRANT!” Amber shouted.

“‘Kuya’ means oniichan, older brother or something like that,” she explained and I just nodded. “Uhm. If you want you can go now, I’ll be the one to give her food,” I suggested and she just smiled.

“Well, if it’s okay to you then I will go,” she stated. “Your girlfriend must be awake now,” she said and walked away.

I just stayed for awhile, still flustered on what Amber said. I shook my head, sighing and decided to knock on her door. ‘No response?’ I slowly opened the door and saw her still sleeping. I carefully placed the tray on the near table and get a chair. I sat near her bed and stared at her, my arms leaning on the side of the bed.

“How are you?” I mumbled and watched her breathing calmly.


“Are you okay now?” I unconsciously smiled when her brows furrowed when I gently brushed her hair.


“Well, I look idiot talking here alone, so wake up?”


I stared at her and examined her face.

‘That cold façade’

‘Her poker face’


I smiled again when I remembered the way she laughed— “Did I already told you that staring was rude,” she suddenly spoke.

I looked at her with widen eyes. She doesn’t even bother to open her eyes.

“How did you know that I was staring?” I asked, dumbfounded.

“Well, you were busy staring at me, and didn’t notice that I already woke up,” she said. “Oh? You really look like an idiot, smiling without a reason huh?" she teased.

“A-Ah, our breakfast is ready so let’s eat?” I tried to change the topic, moving away from her. She just smirked at me and nodded.

“By the way, I am fine now Mr. Sherlock so you don’t have to worry,” she said.

“Baro! W-Who s-said I’m w-worried?” I asked her.

“No one but you acted like one,” she coolly said and I just shook my head. She really likes to tease me. “For protecting me when we fall, I want to thank you,” she sincerely said and let out a smile.

I stared at her for a second and smiled. “Well, you’re always welcome,” I said and smiled wider.

Our staring battle was cut when someone knocked on the door. “Good morning to the two of you!” Amber greeted as she leave the door open.

“G-Good morning,” Miyano shyly said.

Eh? She’s now acting all shy? I thought when she awkwardly greeted Amber. I mentally smiled when she can’t even straightly look at Amber.


‘Ehhh? What am I thinking?’

“Good to see your both okay now, if you want you can go outside, it’s beautiful here,” Amber said. “T-thank y-you,” Miyano uttered.



Damn! Why am I acting like this?

I secretly glanced at Kudo and he was secretly giggling. This guy is worst. He didn’t even bother to introduce this woman.

I think he likes this woman. A beautiful and kind woman. Tss.

“By the way, I’m Amber, nice meeting you Shiho,” the woman said.

“N-Nice meeting you too,” I stuttered and the woman just nodded.

“Amber, thank you for the food, it tastes delicious,” Kudo sweetly said and smiled at her. Tss.

“Call me if you need something,” she informed. He nodded and carefully gives the tray to her. “I’ll see you outside then,” she said and walks out of the room.

When Kudo looked at me, he quickly covered his mouth to muffle his laugh. I glared at him and rolled my eyes. “Do you like her?” I asked in cold tone.

He was taken back in my question but quickly regained. “W-What?” He asked.

“Do you like—”

“Yeah! I mean, yes I heard what you said but liking her? Liking a married woman? It’s big no!” he said and laughed.

“Why? Are you somewhat jelly?” he teased as he smirked.

My brows furrowed and I stared at him. “W-What? What jelly?” I asked, confused on what he said.

“Jelly jelly! Haha!” He said and covered his mouth again. “I mean nothing!” He said while giggling.



Is she jealous?

Thinking about that thought makes me want to laugh. That’s impossible, Kudo! Impossible! But I think a jealous Miyano Shiho is an adorable Miyano Shiho.

EH? But why am I acting like this?

Baro! Think about what Hattori said to you. My subconscious butted. I unconsciously frowned and tilted my head sideways. Which one?

Never mind. Maybe this wasn’t the right time to think about that.

Wasn’t the right time huh? My subconscious interfered again. I shook my head to wash away the thought. I think I’m going crazy. But you think she was cute right? The voice in my head stated. I silently agreed on my subconscious while remembering the scene earlier. So you really think she was cute huh?

My eyes grew wide when I realized what I’m doing. “Seriously, why am I talking to myself?” I whispered under my breath.

“Well, hello to the world Kudo!” Shiho, I mean Miyano called out, looking annoyed. “I said we can go out now if you want. But I think you’re too busy murmuring something, care to share?” She added, raising her brows.

“N-no! I mean n-nothing,” I stuttered and gently snatched her hand and walked outside.

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