Chapter XXV

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Chapter 25: ‘I hate you’


Last night, I can’t sleep because, Kudo-kun’s word. And now, I was sitting uncomfortably beside him at the bed. My back was facing Kudo-kun, who was peacefully sleeping behind me. I woke up veeeery early because even in my dream he was haunting me.

I fall too hard.

Fall? He doesn’t mean that literally right? Hmm? What does he really mean?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I hear someone grunted. Hmm, at last, the Great Detective of East woke up.

I looked at him who was still grunting. “Aww,” he grunted, massaging his head. I put my hands in his head and help him massaging it. “Eh? Wha—?”

“M-miyano?!” he half-shouted and fell out of bed. “Aww,” he grunted, again. “W-what happened last night?” he asked, still sitting at the floor. Hmm. Playing innocent, huh? I thought and glared at him.

“Well, for you to know. Last night, I saw an idiot walking at the party. He was so drunk and he doesn’t even know what he’s saying,” I answered, still glaring at him. “And because I was his partner, he said, I helped him and send him home,” I added.

His face paled when he heard I said. “W-what? You said I’m saying something, w-what is it?” he asked and gulped.

“You’re now admitting that you’re an idiot?” I gave him a death glare and looked away. “And what do you mean?” I asked and glanced at him. “I………. I can’t remember what h-happened last night,” he confessed and scratched his head.

“Fall.” I mumbled, facing him. He gets up and sits at the bed. “What?” he asked.
“You said something about falling, last night.” Not stating what he exactly said.

“Falling? Hmm. I can’t remember,” he stated and gently pat his head. “Maybe because of the effect of alcohol,” he added.
He stands up and stretches his body. “Kudo-kun,”

“Yeah?” He answered, walking towards the bathroom. He stopped mid-ways and turned around. “Why did you get drunk last night?” I asked. He leaned at the wall and stared at me.

“Because of this feeling,” he said and pointed his heart. “My friend right here want to burst or maybe because I’m sad,” he answered and opened the door.

He is… sad? But why?


He is comfortably sitting at the sofa, watching his favorite show, which was that romantic drama aired every weekend.

Though he was not really paying attention and drowned by his thoughts. He is sighing and grunting while holding his head.
“What did I tell her last night?” he mumbled.

“Ne? Shinichi-niichan, Shiho-neechan. The breakfast is ready,” Grant shouted while knocking at the door.

He stands up and sighs. “Miyano— Oh? Let’s go?” he asked and lends his hand. I nodded and take his hand. His hand feels warm in my hand. I can get use to th— N-Nevermind.

When we reached Nanay Anna’s house, only Grant and Nay Anna was there. “Good morning, Nay.” Kudo-kun greeted, politely. I greeted her too and she smiled, greeting us back.

“Gray and Amber were gone to the town. They said that they need to fix something at the hotel,” she stated and glanced in our hands. I immediately released Kudo-kun’s hand when I feel Nay Anna’s stare. Kudo-kun just gives her an awkward smile and shrugged.

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