Chapter XXXIII

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Chapter 33: ‘Dead-end’


“Well, well. Is that how you welcome me, your good friend, Kudo guy?” Kudo guy? Wait? Why is he calling me by that—unless he’s... “No way.” I whispered and my eyes widen in realization.

“You?! I shouted and pointed at Watson when he revealed his face. I never expected this.

“Your one and only Watson guy,” Watson smirked and slowly walked towards us while playing with his gun. “Why? Have you forgotten my name on our play?” He asked as he slowly appeared. “Cali. Dwarf Cali.”

“Aish. I thought you’re one hella great detective but I guess I’m wrong.” He mocked and frowned. “Never knew I can trick the Great Detective of East,” he said and laughed.

“B-But I thought you’re…..” Does that mean he lied to us? He betrayed us?

“Surprise! Guess my acting skills were too great,” he said and laughed. “Sorry to say this but I think I need to stop you,” His face become serious, far from Watson that we met. He pointed his gun to us and step forward.

“Watson.” Shiho whispered and tried to get near him. His eyes turned cold and gripped his gun. “Your story should turn just like that prince and witch.” He coldly said and fired his gun. “I’m ordered to kill you,”

I quickly grabbed Shiho and fired back. He’s serious when he said that he wants to kill us. I still can’t believe him. He betrayed us.

I immediately hide somewhere safe for us. He continued to fire on our direction while laughing. “Hahaha! Why are you hiding there, Tantei-san?” Watson asked and coldly laughed.

“Kudo, we need to fight back.” Shiho whispered as she quickly stole glances on Watson. “But he’s our—” The lighthouse’s door swung opened and revealed a silhouette of a man.

“Gin.” I mumbled as I saw the man’s face. “Cali.” His cold voice echoed, calling Watson who’s still looking at us. “Where are they?” Gin asked and looked around.

I quickly looked around and we secretly run to the stairs near us. “They’re hid—” I fired the gun against them and hurriedly run upstairs. I started to curse to myself. Great! We’re now facing life and death situation and we still to find the bomb—


Oh damn! The bomb! Why did I even forget that stupid damn bomb?!

“Behind them!” I heard Gin shouted and run behind us. It’s just the two of them behind us so I guess I can still make an escape plan. I looked around to find a good place to hide. “Kudo, here.” I heard Shiho whispered and pulled me after.

I heard heavy footsteps near us. “Damn. Why did you even let them escape?!” Gin shouted and stopped for awhile. He was cursing when we heard someone calling my name. “Kudo! Kudo!”

Hattori?! Didn’t I tell him to just stay at the FBI’s safe house?! “Damn. Another weakling! Go down and take care of those stupid sh*ts!” Gin shouted to Watson, who quickly obliged.

When Watson disappeared from his sight, he mumbled something. “Now let’s find the traitor and her knight,” he whispered to himself and starts to walk away.

“Shiho,” I tugged her hand and looked at her. I feel so tired right now and my shoulder is still bleeding, which was not helping me. “We need to find the bomb first.” I whispered.

She nodded and looked at me worriedly. I sighed and quickly plastered a smile to her. “Don’t worry, my heart is still fine, my love.” I joked and wiggled my brows.

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