Chapter XXI

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Chapter 21: ‘That look?’


“Thank you for coming with me. You see, Amber is too busy and also Watson.” Gray thanked. “To you too, Shiho. And just like the last time, we just need to deliver this to my friend’s restaurant,” he explained.

“No problem,” I answered and get the box of eggs from him.

“Sir Gray! Thank you for delivering it again.” The manager exclaimed and gestured us to follow him. We walked at the back of the restaurant. Maybe this is their storage room.

I helped Miyano putting the eggs at the table. When we get back, the manager is already paying the eggs.

“Thank yo—”

“AHHHHHH!” Someone shouted inside the restaurant. We rushed inside and saw a man lying lifeless on the floor.

“Call the police!” I shouted and the manager quickly obliged.

“Can someone tell me, what happened here?” Gray asked. I walked towards the corpse and I smelled a familiar scent.
Cyanide Poisoning. I thought.

“I’m Rielle Kim. I’m the v-victim’s.... I’m his girlfriend. We were silently eating when this three started a fight!” she pointed the two men and a waitress.

“Gray?” A detective approached him. “Still the dead-magnet detective huh?” He joked.

“Well, thank you for calling us. Care to give us a help, like the old days?” He asked and tapped his shoulder. “Sure, Detective Yap. Let’s go, Shin,” Gray answered.

“You became a detective back then?” I asked and looked at the policemen who greet him. “Yeah. Back on my high school days.” Gray answered.

“That detective was a friend of mine. We solved case together.” He explained and looked around.

“Kudo-kun.” Miyano called.

“Y-Yeah?” I stuttered. “That guy was suspicious,” she pointed the guy with glasses. “Did he just throw his hanky?” She muttered and looked at me.

“Sir, we already gathered information about the crime. Shaun Akihito, the victim. Twenty-eight years old. He is the owner of the farm here. He was silently eating with his girlfriend when the crime happened.”

“This are the suspects. Rielle, the victim's girlfriend. Twenty-eight years old and a model. She was sitting across him when suddenly the bulgy guy pushed the waitress.”

“The bulgy guy was Yakiro, thirty years old. He’s a construction worker at Akihito’s farm. He was eating breakfast when the waitress accidentally tripped on his foot. He got angry and pushed the waitress.”

“The waitress is Yoona, twenty-seven years old and been working here for three years. Same goes with the nerd guy, Saito, twenty-seven years old. They stated that he is a new hired waiter here in the restaurant. They also said that he was a farmer at Shaun’s farm, back then. He worked there for four years.”

“They stated that Yoona was holding a tray when she accidentally tripped on Yakiro’s foot. Yakiro pushed her and the water on the tray was spilled on the victim’s table. Then Saito came and apologized to the victim and hand him a handkerchief to wipe the spilled water. He also apologized to Yakiro.”

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