Chapter XIX

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Chapter 19: ‘What suits you most?’


“What’s wrong with me? Why am I doing this?”

“You held on to a car and got shot by a gun because of that girl. You did all those crazy things, and you still don't know why?”

“Are you an idiot? It’s love. What else would it be, you punk?”

“What? L-love? Love?”

“Man. He’s too dense. Tch. That’s why I hate romantic dramas,” Kudo-kun said while watching a TV series.

I saw Kudo-kun sitting at the sofa while watching. He’s rambling things about the drama. “I guess, things about you are now cleared,” I blushed when I remembered his kiss. “Good night, Shiho,” I shake my head to washed away that thing.

I sighed. That dream, no, I didn’t know if that was a dream but I feel that it was real. But it is impossible. I thought, wanting to laugh at myself for assuming.

“Dense! Dense! Tch. He even calls himself a great detective,” he mumbled again. Look who’s talking, you detective freak! He keeps mumbling something about the show not until he noticed me.

“Oh? Ne? Miyano? Ohayo!” He greeted when he saw me. “G-Good morning,” I greeted back and looked away. He looks at the television and focused on it again.

“You’re done?” he asked, still watching. “Oh? That detective! I hope he will realized what he really feel about that woman!” he said and turned off the television.

He looked at me and chuckled. “I was watching this drama about a detective and his partner while waiting for you. Well? Are you done?” He asked again and combs his hair using his hand.

“H-Hai.” Damn. Why does he look so good with his messy hair? Argh! What am I thinking?!

“Did you… have a good sleep last night?” He asked and I nodded. “It’s okay,” I lied. To be honest, no! That dream bothers me too much.

“Hmm… Just okay?” He asked and I shrugged. He chuckled and shook his head. “Come on. We still need to help them today,” he said and walked out.


We were finished helping Gray and the others at the farm. We were taking break and sitting at a picnic mat that Amber prepared.

“Shinichi- niichan, do you know that we’re having a fiesta this coming week?” Grant excitedly asked Kudo-kun. Fiesta?

“I heard we are having some theatrical plays! Parlor games and paaarty at night!” He exclaimed and jumped.

“Ne? Why don’t you invite Shiho-neechan as your partner?” Grant asked and looked at me.

Kudo-kun smiled and looked at me. “No need. She’s my real partner after all, so why should I ask?” He coolly said and laughed. Crazy. I tried my best not to blush and luckily I succeed.

Grant’s mouth agape while looking at us. He smiled widely and pointed me. “Oh right! You always tell me about it. Oneechan! Kuya told me that you are his favorite pa—” Kudo-kun suddenly covered Grant's mouth.

“Shhh. That was our secret!” He shyly whispered, still holding Grant.

“Sowry! Hahaha,” Grant laughed and then stopped when he remembered something. “Oh! Ne? Can you join in our contest? How about the play, Kuya? Please, Kuya! Please,” he pleaded.

“Grant? My boy, you can’t force your Shinichi-niichan to join,” Gray said as he tapped his son’s head. “You need to let him decide if he want or not,” he said as he joined in our little conversation.

“But Ate Math told me that they need someone who can portray the prince role. I want Kuya to do that, Papa. He is the right one to do the role,” His son pouted.

“Kiddo. Well... if you invite your Shiho-neechan, then I’ll go. What do you think?” Kudo- kun suggested.

Grant’s face brighten up. “Really? I’m sure Shiho-neechan will go! Right? Ate?!” He exclaimed.

I glanced at Kudo before looking at him. “Maybe. I don’t know?” I shrugged.

“Nah… Don’t mind Grant. But if you really want to join, you can ask Math about that. Well, kiddo let’s go to your mama. Maybe she is looking for you,” Gray said, standing up.

Grant waved his hand when they walked away. “Ne! Ate! Please go?! Pretty please?!” He shouted. I only nodded and waved back.

Kudo lay down and closed his eyes. “You want to join?” He asked. “Hey, Miyano? Do you want to join?” He repeated. “I don’t know,” He looked at peace when I looked at him.

“Shinichi! Shiho! Come here. Lunch is ready!” Nay Anna shouted. Kudo-kun stands up and lends his hand. “Let’s go,” he said and I nodded, holding his hand.

He pulled me. “I don’t think the prince role suits you,” I uttered and smirked. I want to tease him again.

“Why do you think so?” He asked, raising his eyebrow. “I think the princess role suits you better,” I teased and smirked. He faced me and holds my arms. He dragged me to the house and when we get inside, he pinned me at the wall.

He smirked, closing the distance between our face. “Really? Do you... think so?” He asked, looking at my eyes.

Kudo! You’re killing me!

“Ne? Shinichi-niich—” Someone gasped and that’s a go signal for me to push Shinic—Kudo-kun rather.

“Shh. They might hear us?!”
“Yieee! They’re about to kiss,”
“Shh. Keep quiet, guys!” The kids whispered.

Kudo-kun suddenly chuckled and turned around. “Kids, get out there. I know, you’re here,” he looked behind the door.

“Come, let’s eat now!” He cheered as he gently pushed the kids. I was still struck at my place when he came close to me again.

“Nah! For me, you’re wrong,” he whispered through my ears. “Because for me, the princess role suits you the most, not me,” he said and turned his back.

“So that, I can be your prince.” He whispered and hurriedly walked away.

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