Chapter IV

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Chapter 4: ‘Meeting’


Haibara already gave me the antidote. She said that she will take it in her room. So, I go at my house and take the pill there. The familiar pain hits me. I was breathing hard by the sudden change.

I was surprised when I see Haibara no— I should say Shiho Miyano, calmly sitting at the living room. ‘So this is Miyano.’ I thought. This may not be the first time that I see her in her adult form, but when I first see her it was too fast. She needs to hide and I need to make an excuse for Haibara being gone. And we will be Kudo and Miyano for a week or two. She already made many prototype antidotes in case we need more.

“Staring is rude, do you even know that?” she blankly said and crossed her arms.

Before I can say anything, she already spoke again. “Should we go or not?” she asked and stared at me.

I just nodded and spoke. “I’ll just get my cap and jacket upstairs and we can go,” I said as I rushed towards my room.


We are at the mall where the case happened. I already texted Mr. Gomez that I’m coming and he said that he will be waiting at the restaurant.

Miyano and I are looking around, searching for Mr. Gomez. “Kudo-kun, are you even sure that—”

“Mr. Kudo?” A man in suit approaches us.

“Ah? You must be Mr. Gomez, Sir? I am Shinichi Kudo.” I answered and offered my hand. “I’m not Mr. Gomez, I am his secretary by the way,” the man said and shakes my hand. “Mr. Gomez is waiting for you,”

“So you are Kudo Shinichi? A teenager huh? And who is she, your girlfriend?” he asked while looking at Shiho— I mean Miyano.

“A-Ah! N-No! S-She’s my partner in cases.” I stuttered, waving my hands. Kuso. Why am I stuttering?

He laughed at my reaction. “I thought she was more than. Well, you two look good together,” he commented and smiled widely. “Well, let’s go,” he added and led the way.

I blushed when he said that. I can’t steal a look at Haibara. I was too embarrassed when he said that we look good together.



Kudo already start to observe when Mr. Gomez’s secretary brought us to the crime scene. I just look around and try to find some clues. Mr. Gomez said that there is a person that planted bomb in the restaurant and he also received a letter from the bomber.

But for me, there is nothing wrong about the place. It seems like nothing happen and no bombs in the place. I don't even know if Kudo already read the letter.

“Mr. Kudo, why don’t we have a lunch first, before you finish your investigation,” Kudo was snapped out by his thoughts when Mr. Gomez talks.

He looked at me like asking permission. I just shrugged at him and he sighed. “Okay sir,” he said while nodding.


We were at the nearby restaurant. Mr. Gomez excused himself that his going at his office. He gave the letter to Kudo and said that we should contact him if we already solved the case.

We were busy eating when he speaks. “A code?” I heard him whispered. I looked at him and give a what-look.

“What?” he asked.

“Let me see it. What is my purpose here if you don’t let me see it,” I glared at him and he sweat dropped.

He handed me the letter, and it says.

Rotate at the 13th city, 13th street and....

“Where is blue avenue street highland? I already search for that place but there are no results,” he said. “I get that rotate-rotate something but when I decrypt it. The message is still not clear,”

“Do you know a word ATBASH? It was too deceiving on how the bomber write the words, is there a word like that?” I asked, looking at the words downwards.

He snatched the letter and stared at it. He smirks when he analyzes again the letter. “I think I should call Mr. Gomez?” I asked as I watched him smirked widely while writing something. Looks like he already solve it.

He shook his head and glanced back at me. “No, I’ll talk to him. He’ll get mad if I didn’t talk to him in person. To let him see the clues too,” he answered and stands when someone approaches him.

“S-Shinichi?” Crap, she’s here.



I don’t know that this was just an easy code. Good thing that Miyano’s with me, without her help, I guess I’ll take long before I can solve this code. And by now, I know that Miyano get my smirk. Yes, I already solve it and planned to tell Mr. Gomez not until someone approaches us.

“S-Shinichi?” Crap, she’s here? What is she doing here? I thought as I looked at her.

“R-Ran,” I greeted awkwardly, forcing a smile out.

She just looked at me and glanced at Miyano. No, no, no. She might get the wrong idea.

“Y-Yo Ran, long time, no see,” I awkwardly smiled, trying to get her attention.

But she just continued staring at Miyano, who seems unbothered by her. “Who is she?” she asked, still looking at Miyano.

“Ah? She’s S-Shi—,” I mentally slapped myself for stuttering while saying Miyano’s name. Miyano returned the gaze and calmly leaned on her chair. “Shi, that’s my name,” she coldly said.

“Wha—? Right! S-She’s my partner in cases,” I added, cursing inside when I almost say Miyano’s full name.

Ran nodded and lends her hand. “Uhm? Shi? I’m Ran, Ran Mouri,” She smiled at her but I know it was fake, she must be mad at me.

They shook their hands and let go afterwards. “Uhm. Do you mind if I talk to Shinichi for a couple of minutes?” she asked Miyano and glanced at me.

Miyano just shrugged and looked at me. “Sure, Mouri-san,” she answered and nodded. “After all, I’m just his partner so no need to ask permission.” She added, her cold tone made me shiver.

“Just wait for me here,” I looked at Miyano and she just shrugged. When I looked at Ran, she’s already sat near our table. I snatched my cap at the chair and put it in Miyano’s head, just to make sure that no one will see her face.

“Don’t worry. It won’t take long,” I said and smiled at her. I walked towards Ran and sit across her.

An awkward silence enveloped us. Ran was the one who broke it. “How are you, Shinichi?” she casually asked.

I started to feel nervous because of her actions. I can sense that there’s something off. “I’m fine and ah, I’m s-sorry,” I lowered my head, fidgeting my hands under the table.

“Sorry for what?” she innocently asked as she titled her head sidewards.

“I know, it’s been three years since we last saw each other and talk like this, s-sorry for that,” I apologized. I tried not to be Shinichi so my body would not be immune on the antidote.

“Don’t worry its fine, and I’m..... I’m sorry too,” she said.

“Huh? Sorry? Why?”

“Uhm. Shinichi, I need to go now, I’ll just see you next time,” she said and hurriedly walks out.

What’s that? I asked myself as I silently watched her leaving the restaurant. Never mind. Better talk to Mr. Gomez now. I thought and walked to his office.

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