Chapter V

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Chapter 5: ‘Watson?’


As Kudo and his girlfriend excused themselves I started to eat again. I was stunned for a moment when he suddenly put his cap on my head let me wear it before he leave. Maybe he— Impossible. I shook my head to wash away my imagination.

Huh? I noticed this foreign guy looking at me and when he saw Kudo leaves, the guy approaches our table.

“Are you perhaps Miss Watson?” he asked. I looked at him. I’m sure he’s not Japanese, basing on how he fluently speaks English.

“No,” I coldly answered, showing a bored look at the guy.

He made a face and sat across me. “What a cold woman. Sorry, I overheard your conversation. Investigating a case?” he asked. I only nodded which made him laugh.

“The guy was the detective, and you are his partner, and that woman who approaches him was his girlfriend right?” he smiled.

I stared at him. What’s with this guy?

“Hey! Don’t give me that look. So I’m right, then you are really Ms. Watson,” he said while nodding.

“That’s not my name,” This guy is irritating me. He called me Ms. Watson at the second time.

“Maybe that wasn’t your name. But that is what he calls you or treat you rather, right?” he uttered and smirked.


“You don't get it? You are his partner, then you are Watson, he is Sherlock,” he stated. I silently agreed with this weird guy. Yes, for him I’m Watson and never be Irene. “And that woman was Irene, right? The woman he love?” he added.

“But the thing is Sherlock and Irene didn’t end together but they are partners too, so, for me, you are his Irene too,” he said while looking at me.

He grinned widely and leaned his head in his hand. “Hahaha, I won’t bite you, so you can talk,” he laughed.

I raised an eyebrow which made him laugh more. This guy was worst, I’m giving him a cold shoulder but he always laughs and ignores it.

“You’re too predictable, you love him right?” My eyes widen when he said that but I quickly recovered.

He flicked his fingers and crossed his arms after. “I saw that,” he smirked and wiggled his brows.

“What do you want?” I glared at him.

He raised his hands, like he’s surrendering. “Woah! Relax! I just want to make friends Miss Watson. But how ironic, I’m Watson too, ya’ know my name.” he smiled.

“And you are?” he asked.

“Tss. You don’t need to know,” I answered.

“Huh? So you are Ms. TssYouDontNeedToKnow Watson? What a long name,” he sighed exaggeratedly. He is starting to annoy me. I really want to put something in his mouth to stop talking.

He narrowed his eyes and shook his head. “Planning bad for me?” he smirked as he raised his brows at me.

How did he know? Is he reading my mind?

“I’m not reading your mind, I can clearly see it right in your face,” he pointed his face and yawned after.

“Well, let me introduce myself again, I’m Watson, playing the role of Sherlock, a wandering detective.” he said and lends his hand.

“I’m Miyano Shiho— Ah. Just Shi,” I said and accepted his hand. He smiled and I ignored it.

“Let me ask questions since I’m kind of curious about the two of you,” he said and smiled again. “The detective guy looks familiar? Is he by any chance, Kudo Shinichi?” he asked and stared at me.

I sighed before nodding at him. “Yes.”

“You mean the Detective of East?!” he exclaimed while looking at me with widen-eyes. I nodded as response again.

“The modern Sherlock?”

“Yes.” Is he dumb? All of his questions are answered by yes. Can’t he realize it?

“Hmm. That’s why he looks familiar.” Watson mumbled then he suddenly smirked. “Uhm, for you, is he an idiot?” he asked while doing something in his phone.

“Yes.” I answered, looking at the entrance of the restaurant. I’m not minding him now I will just always answer yes in his idiotic questions.


“Yes.” I’m too bored now. Where the hell are you Kudo?

He does something again but like what I said I don’t mind him.

“Is he dumb?”

“Yes.” You too.

“Are you… perhaps in love with him?”

“Yes.” Where the hell are you Kudo-kun?!

“I caught you!” he smirked and pointed me.

I frowned when he said that. He what? Caught me on—Wait... what? Did I just say yes? When I immediately looked at Watson, saw him smirking, annoying the hell out of me. Arggh! I want to wipe out that smirk in his face.

“Watson is in love with Sherlock, how did it happen~” he sings while smirking and waving his hands.

“Will you please shut up?!” I hissed and glared at him.

He snickered and leaned his head back in his hand. “So, is it true?” he asked, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

“No.” I blankly said and looked away.

“Huh? But you just said yes earlier,” he innocently said. “Wait, listen here....... Oh there! You said yes! There’s no backing out!” He laughs while playing the record which I said yes.

“Don’t worry. I won’t stop pestering you, until you said that to Mr. Sherlock,” he smiled and I just shook my head, not believing on what the guy just said.

“We can be friends if you want,” he offered his hand.

“Oh? He’s already here? I think I need to get going now,” he said and he holds my hand and gently shakes it. “We’re now friends,” he added.

“Bye, Shi.” he said and he looked at Kudo.

“You’re lucky you have a beautiful girlfriend,” he said and looked at me, winking. He tapped Kudo's shoulder and walked away.

“Do you know him?” Kudo asked, looking at Watson.

“Just a friend,” I answered and looked at the paper in my hand. What a sneaky detective.

#•Must Read•#

Shinichi and Shiho were now walking back to their house. Shinichi told Shiho what happened after he explained to Mr. Gomez who made the bomb threat and its message.

Shinichi noticed that Shiho was slightly shivering and she’s still wearing his cap. She maybe forgot to return it to the guy who’s unconsciously smiling at her side. ‘She looks good wearing my cap.’ Shinichi thought as he removes his jacket, placing it over Shiho’s shoulder.

“You’re shivering.” He mumbled as he stopped in front of her, wrapping his jacket on her. He sighed and looked at Shiho, who stilled at her position. He smiled then gently fixes his cap on Shiho’s head. Shiho blushed when he did that. “I really sorry for what happened this early morning,” he said in low tone. He looked away then sighed. “I promise, I’ll try to make it up to you.” He said and turned his back.

“But promises are meant to be broken.” Shiho joked and Shinichi immediately glared at her. “Shut up!” he groaned. “Come on, let’s hurry. It’s freezing cold here,” he said and unconsciously holds Shiho’s hand.

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