Chapter XVII

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Chapter 17: ‘Jealousy’


As what Nay Anna said, Math and Watson stayed here in the farm. They are having their vacation too but because of that landslide happened; they’ve decided to visit the farm.

Since they’ve arrived, Miyano became too busy with him. Tsk. They were always together as if they want to make me jealous?

Wait... what? J-Jealous?

Tch. I’m not jealous. Hahaha. Who says I’m jealous? Hahaha.

You look stupid. Stop acting like that. My subconscious butted in again. You’re in love with her, just admit it. I blushed at that thought. Seriously, why am I having thoughts like this?

“And so what if I have feelings for her? She still doesn’t feel the same way, though.” I asked myself and clenched my fist. There’s nothing wrong if you accept it. Maybe you have a chance.

“Mr. Kudo?” Math called that snapped me out of my thoughts. “Did you see Watson? I have something to tell him,” she asked.

“No. But Amber said that he’s with Shi— M-Miyano,” I replied.

She huffed and crossed her arms. “That guy! I’m asking him to do something! Then he’s busy with his love life,” she sadly said.

“L-Love life?” He likes Miyano?

“Yup. That girl you said, he always talked about her. That she’s like that, like this, always her. He always leaves me to visit her when we were in city,”

“Maybe y-you’re wrong? T-That’s impossible!” I said.

“She is Shiho, right? Then she’s that girl. And his smile is different when he look at your girlfriend,” she stated.

“S-She’s not my girlfriend. How sure are you that he like Miyano?”

“S-E-C-R-E-T. Well, he—”

“Do you like Watson? You act like you’re his girlfriend. Are you jealous?” I asked her, straightforwardly.

She blushed and looked away. “Y-Yes.” she answered, still blushing. “At least I admit it. I’m not scared if he’ll know this. I’m not someone who’s confused with his own feelings,” she said and smirked.


“You! Mr. Kudo. Do you like your partner?” she asked, taking steps towards me. “What? Mr. Kudo? Do....... you like her?” she asked again. She’s too near and that question is too.... Never mind! Nothing!

“You’re blushing, so it means you like.....” she smirked. “Shiho.” she teased and her smirk widen.

“Pft! Hahahahahaha,” she laughs out loud.

“The great detective of east is red as tomato, Hahaha” she laughed while holding her stomach.

“S-Stop t-that!” I shouted but she laughed harder.

“Pft! Your face was priceless, Hahaha!” she laughs again. “Tch,” I hissed and smiled. She stopped laughing and smirked. “I’ll help you, don’t worry,” she said and winked and laughed again. I just smiled and shake my head.



“Shiiiiiii!” Watson shouted. He runs towards me. “Shihooo!”

“Stop shouting, you idiot!” I said.
“Hahaha! I’m just happy!” He uttered and he laughs.

“Tch.” We’re helping Gray in his field. The detective is busy staring at nothing when he invited us so I decided to invite Watson.

“Hey? Hey? You’re spacing out. Thinking about your little detective huh?” He teases and smirk.

I glared at him and he starts laughing crazily again. “Don’t worry, this time no one can steal him from you,” he said.

“First of all, Mr. Watson! He is not mine. He can do whatever he want,” I stated.

“Second, he ca—”

“Yep, he can also decide who will he love. Someone can steal him by now,” he seriously uttered.

I want to laugh at his serious face. It is very rare to see him serious. He stayed serious for couple of seconds and that's when I noticed something's wrong.

“Hey? Something wrong? Are you okay?” I asked.

“Tch,” He’s looking at someone. And it’s......
Kudo and Math?

“When did they get close? I didn’t notice that,” he seriously uttered again. Wait? Is he jealous?

I looked at them and noticed that Math’s face was just inch apart to Kudo-kun. I frowned when Kudo didn’t bother to do anything. He didn’t push her nor stop her.
Math started to laugh while pointing him. If it was a normal situation, I will laugh at Kudo’s face but I feel clueless.

“S-Stop t-that!” He shouted and Math said something that we didn’t hear. Kudo hissed but smiled after. She said something again and laughed again.

Jealousy is eating me again. But it was not like how I feel whenever Ran's around. This is different. I don’t know but I feel something that Kudo like her. I just believe he will not fall for her.

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