Chapter X

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Chapter 10: ‘Accident’


“I’m sorry,” I heard him mumbled. I was looking for him when I accidentally heard him talking with Ran.

I sighed and clenched my fists tightly. Idiot! You followed him!

Thunder roared that startled me. Huh? Is it going to rain? I looked up, looking at the dark gray skies.

I glanced back at Kudo. “Kudo-kun?” Huh? He already left?

“Where did he go?” I whispered and looked around. “Kudo?” I shouted, running back to our tent.

Hakase and the kids just came out in the forest when I arrived. “Oh, Ai-kun, we need to pack some of our things, I think it’s going to rain hard,” Hakase whispered.

“Hakase? Did you see Kudo-kun?” I asked Hakase ignoring what he said.

“Huh? But you’re together when we leave,” Hakase answered looking at me confusedly. “Kids, did you notice your Shinichi-niichan?” Hakase asked.

“No, Hakase!” they shouted inside the tent.

“Hakase, can you just prepare it with the kids, I need to find him,”

I’m getting worried. Where did you go, Kudo?




‘Shinichi!’ Damn, it’s raining. I started to cursed to myself when it start to rain hard. Please Kudo! Come out!

*Bzzt* Text Message *Bzzt*

We’re at a cave near our tent. Just go there. I think we’re safe there.

“WAHHHH!” I heard someone shouted near my place and hurried run towards it. “S-Shinichi!” I whispered as I saw him kneeling and shouting near a cliff.

How pity. He really loves her. I bitterly thought as I watched him getting drenched by the rain. He was soaking wet. I need to bring him back at the camp.


“Can you leave me alone?” he calmly asks, not bothering to look at me.

“Kudo, can we just go back at the camp?” I asked him too. “I’ll go there, just leave me,” I immediately answered.

“But Hakase—”

“JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!” he shouted. I was startled when he shouted. I instantly frown on what he did.

I need to be frank with you.



What is this feeling? Why do I feel nothing? I really feel nothing.

Pain? No.

Hurt? No.

Confuse? Maybe. I think that’s the closest word that can define what I really feel right now. I don’t know. I just find myself here, crying for unknown reasons. Somehow, I feel so suffocated. But I don’t know why.

I closed my eyes and shook my head, trying to stay calm. “Please I’m begging you, just leave me alone,” I begged and looked at Miyano.

She takes steps towards me. “Kudo. Open your eyes, nothing could change it. If she really loves you then she won’t give up on you,” she said. I frowned on what she said. How did she know? “She was tired Kudo!” she harshly exhaled before continuing. “For three damn years, we haven’t come back on our old selves, you haven’t come back,”

“You don’t know what you’re saying,” I calmly answered staring at her. She misinterprets something.

“I know what I’m saying, because we both know that it’s my entire fault,” she said and looked away, heaving a sigh.

“No. You don’t understand.” I said and looked at her. “She became tired because I rarely call her. I forgot to greet her in her special days. She has many reasons to dump me. To leave me.” I answered. But I know this is not the real reason why I’m being like this.

“But I don’t know what I really feel. Yes, I was hurt because of what she said but there’s something I.....”

“I d-don’t know,” I stated, shaking my head. “Then, explain it to me,” she insists, staring intensely at me.

“You won’t understand,” I said, sighing. “No one can understand me,” I added, avoiding her gaze.

“W-What? How do you say so?” she asked confusedly.

“Because even me, I can’t understand what I really feel right now,” I honestly answered, looking down.

‘I feel hurt but it doesn’t hurt like what I think, like what I expected’

Silence enveloped us for a moment. We just stayed there, not minding the rain. “Kudo, can we go back?” she said, breaking the silence between us. “Please, maybe Hakase and the kids are worried about u—”

“Go, I’ll stay for awhile.” I stubbornly stated and feel the raindrops.


“I need to t-think..... to think about this. About what I really feel,”

“Then, I’ll stay, I just want to let you know that you’re not alone,” she confidently said. “Haha, you’re my best partner, I guess,” I joke trying to light up the mood but she just stayed silent.

I started to gather all my thoughts.

These feelings are leaving me puzzled. Why do I feel like I was hurt but at the same time relieved?

‘Wait you like someone rather than Ran?’ Hattori’s voice suddenly echoed in my mind. Could that be the real reason?

Miyano faked a cough and when I looked at her, she spokes. “Gomen Kudo, but we need to— Ahhh!" she shrieked when she slips.

I hurriedly run towards her and carefully caught her. We were at a cliché position when we heard something.


Oh no!


The edge of the cliff break and next thing I know is we are falling down. I hugged Miyano to protect her body and head from hitting something and to keep her by my side.

Kami-sama, let us live, we need to live. I silently prayed, hugging Miyano tight. We fell and rolled at its deepest. My body was aching. Everything went blurry. I was breathing heavy when I hear footsteps. “Shiho...” I need to see her. I need to see if she was okay.


“MAMA! There’s a person here! Someone help me!” Someone shouted holding my arm. That’s the last thing I hear and everything went black.

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