Chapter XII

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Chapter 12: ‘Chicken’


Wow, such a beautiful place. Their place is a wheat farm and at the northern part, there’s a small hill.

“Oniichan!” Grant shouted when he saw me, waving frantically at me.

“I’ll just walk around, Kudo-kun,” Miyano informed me before walking away.

“Oniichan! Oniichan!” he cheerfully said as he run towards me.

He excitedly grinned at me. “May I know your name?” He asked and tilted his head, looking up at me.

“It’s Shinichi,” I answered while smiling at him, gently patting his head.

He hummed while nodding. “Ne? Shinichi-niichan, do you want me to tour you around our place?” he asked.

“If it’s okay to you? Shall we?” I told him and he held my hand. I looked around first to look for Miyano and saw her busy talking to Amber.

We walked around and find ourselves walking in a ...... forest? “This is where we found you laying unconsciously,” Grant stated as he point the lower part of the cliff. “I was the one who found you and the one who shouted for help, Shinichi-niichan,” he added.

“Thanks for helping us, I guess?” I said.

We continue walking and he pointed some wild fruits and berries that they enjoy picking.

“And this is my favorite place,” he uttered and smiled at me. “My Oniichan have a tree house nearby but he hasn’t visited us yet. Maybe he’s still busy at work.”

“Wow,” This place surely gives a calm affection to anyone. In front of us was a beautiful lake. It was so crystal clear.

‘She will surely love this, if she sees this place’ I thought as I think of..........


Here I go again! Thinking about her!

I sighed and mentally cursed. Maybe I should really go and check on a doctor. Maybe the accident really shook my head hard to think things like this.

“We always go here and enjoy fishing blah blah blah blah...” I didn’t bother minding what he's saying when my subconscious butted in again. You should go back now, maybe you’re girlfriend is looking for you.

Girlfriend? I pondered while staring at the lake across us. Someone that have a name like Miyano Shi— “STOOOP!” I unconsciously blurted out.

“N-Ne? S-Shinichi-niichan?” Grant nervously uttered.

“A-Ah? Sorry for shouting? What were you saying?” I nervously asked.

He faked a cough first. “I s-said that you h-have a b-beautiful g-girlfriend.” he shyly said and looked away.

“G-Girlfriend?” Again?

“That neechan who’s with you,”


“Hmm,” He hummed while nodding.

Aish, seriously, why does people thinks that she’s my girlfriend. I awkwardly laughed. “She’s not my girlfriend!”

“Tss,” I heard someone hissed behind us. “Yep, we’re not in any kind of relationship,” Miyano bitterly said?

“I saw the two of you walking here and decided to follow,” she uttered before I can even ask her and walked towards us.

She looked around trying to appreciate the place. “This place is beautiful.” she said in monotone.

I frowned confused at her statement. She didn’t even smile? She doesn’t like this place? But she said that it was beautiful?

I was broke out of my trance when Grant spoke, “Shinichi-niichan?” as he tugged my shirt.

“You still remember the way back at our house, right?” he asked and I nodded. “Then I need to go back now. I’m sorry, Oniichan. I forgot that I promised to my friends to meet them at the hill,” he said and run away.

Silence enveloped us and for me it was too awkward.

“Try to speak up, Kudo,” I whispered to myself, encouraging myself to start a conversation.

“They said that the way back to the city is still block,” she suddenly spoke that made me looked at her.


She stayed looking at the lake. “We need to stay here for a few days, I guess,” she mumbled, not bothering to look at me.

“But how about our body?”

“What? Ahh. You mean the effect of the antidote. I didn’t know how long will it take? But I think that it was good for a week,” she stated.

“I think that I still have extra in my pocket, I should ask Amber if she keep my pants,”

“Tch,” she snorted and looked away.

“Jelly?” I accidentally blurted and she quickly looked at me.

“What’s with jelly? Why do you always say that?” she angrily asked.

“N-Nothing,” I nervously answered, taken aback when she dangerously glared at me.

“ONIICHAN! You have to go back at our house,” Grant shouted, approaching us while panting.

We hurriedly walked back at the house and saw an old woman.

“So this is the couple you’re talking about?” the old woman asked as she looked at us, intimidating. Her stares are scary, even scarier than Miyano.

“You two! You’re too young to live together. Do you even think of what will happen to the two of you in the future?”

“P-Pardon?” Miyano asked, stunned. My mouth was left open, shocked on what the old woman said.

“Mom, they’re not—” Amber’s husband tried to interrupt the old woman.

“And you let them stay here?” The woman shot a glanced to him and looked back at us.

“Y-Yes,” he answered, nervously.

“Tch. No way! They’re not going to stay here!”

“Let them sleep on that place!” she shouted and points somewhere.

“But mom, it was for the chickens,” he said and scratched the back of his neck.

“The lower part is room for the chickens but the upper part isn’t, so let them clean it,”



“The lower part is room for the chickens but the upper part isn’t, so let them clean it,” the old woman said.

“Them? Clean it?” Gray said. He introduced himself to me when Kudo went with Grant.

“Yes, got any problem with that?”

“None, I guess we can clean it now, if you want,” Kudo interrupted. “Just let us stay for awhile.”


“Don't worry, it’s okay with us,” he said and looked at me. “Just a repay for helping us,” he added.


Chickens everywhere.

“Well you see, this is our business here,” Gray said. “We deliver the eggs at the town nearby that was brought to the city,” he added.

He led us to the back part of the barn and walked upstairs. “And here we are........” he stated.

Well, the room still looks clean, I think? But with ONE BED!

“Kinda full of dust, ‘cause we haven’t clean it for weeks?” he uttered.

“Papa!” Grant shouted and gave the broom? Mop? A piece of cloth?

“After you finish cleaning your room, we can lend you some extra clothes to wear,” Gray said and put down the tools. “I’ll leave you two here so you can start.” He said and walked out of the room.

Kudo groggily walked towards the bed. “Haaaaay! I haven’t done anything but I feel so tireeee— Wahhhh!” He suddenly shouted.

I try my best not to laugh in his idiocy. He lay down in the bed but to his surprise, there is a chicken under the pillow and suddenly flew when he lay down.

“Hahaha,” I laughed and turned my back on him. His face looks priceless, awhile ago. I looked back at him and he’s covering his face.

“Tss. Stop laughing it’s not funny,” he said, looking away with his red face.

“Pfft. It’s just that...... You look like— Hahahah,” I laughed again.



Tss. Where the hell did that chicken come from?

I’ll definitely catch that chicken later. Darn, this is too embarrassing. I looked at Miyano and she is still laughing.



S-She’s—She’s laughing? Come on, dude. Is she really laughing?

‘She’s laughing!’

‘She’s laughing!’

‘Wahahaha! She’s laughing!’ I mentally cheered myself, too happy to see her laughing softly in front of me.

I think that is the first time she laughed in front of me. Minus the fact that was because of my stupidity.

I stared at her and just watched her happily. Cute!

Wait! I called her cute? A-Again?

“Ehem. I think we should clean now,” she said when she stopped laughing.

“Tss. Fine,” I uttered and smiled.

“Pfft! Stop smiling, you look like a clown,” she teased.

“Oi! Oi!” I shouted, annoyed making her laugh again.

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