Chapter VIII

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Chapter 8: ‘The Prince and the Witch’


We are currently at the forest in the mountain. We are having a camping with the Shounen Tantei as what Haibara said. So that only means... No annoying Watson. I mentally laugh because of that thought.

“Shinichi-niichan, can you help us here?” Mitsuhiko asked. They were preparing the tent. While Haibar—I mean Miyano and Ayumi are the one who’s in charge in cooking our meal.

“Mitsuhiko! Genta-kun! Try this! Shiho-neechan cook is so oishi!” Ayumi shouted while holding a plate of foods.

They were busy eating when Ayumi approached me. “Shinichi-niichan, want some?” she said while offering the food. I nodded and get one.

“Ne, Oniichan, You have splitting image of Conan-kun, no wonder he was your cousin,” Ayumi said as she giggled.

I sweat dropped. If you only know. I thought and looked at Miyano who’s smirking.

“What?” I asked, innocently. She shook her head while smirking.

“Even Shiho-neechan, she looks like Ai-chan,” she continued.

“Kids, can you help me here? Bring your clothes at the tent!” Hakase shouted inside the large tent. They quickly obliged and went to Hakase.

Miyano sat beside me and looked down. “Looks like you’ll have a day-off, death-magnet detective-kun,” she teased and gazed at me.

I nodded, agreeing on what she said. “Yup, a day away with dead and a day without that Watson with you,” I whispered the last part.

“Did you say something?” she asked.

“Nothing,” I said while shaking my head, smiling at her.

“Ne, Oniichan! Hakase said that you should bring your clothes to the other tent,” Mitsuhiko shouted.

I get my bag and walked towards the other tent. ‘So I’m alone?’ When I was silently fixing my neat clothes from my bag, I was surprised when Miyano suddenly entered the tent. ‘Wait? Is she... going to sleep here too?’

“Don’t give me such look, we have no choice, the kids wanted Hakase to be with them, so I can’t sleep there,” she explained.

“The lunch is ready! Come out and eat,” Hakase called us.

I was about to walked when Miyano’s phone rings. My forehead cringed when I heard the voice. ‘That Watson’ 'She motioned that she will go after me, so I walked out.

After we had lunch, the kids play soccer and they invited me to join them. We were having fun playing soccer while Hakase and Miyano are calmly watching us.



As Kudo-kun walks out of the tent, I immediately answered the call.

“Well, Hello Ms. Irene.” Watson greeted through the phone.

“Yeah, what do you want?” I asked. I know he’s just going to tease me.

“Nothing, just checking you up? Anything happen? You know,” he said and laughed at the other line.

“Tch. Nothing. He’s dense you know that!” I said referring to Kudo.

“Uh? I am not asking things about Kudo guy? Ne? You’re being obvious again,” There goes his stupidness again, he caught me many times talking about Kudo while he’s—I don’t know if he’s referring to something different.

“Did you just call to tease me?” I asked, annoyed.

“H-Hey? Relax? Come on? Just…” he paused and heaved a sigh. “J-Just show some of your feelings to him. Don’t keep it, Shi! At least you let him see it and feel it. Have fun with him, spend some time with him alone,” he said.

“Baro,” I can help but laughed on what he said. “Yeah, whatever. I’m hanging up, bye.” I said while waiting him to speak.

“Take care, Irene, Sherlock will still love you, Enjoy! From your great friend Watson, Hahaha,” he said as if he’s reading a letter.



Night time

The sky slowly turns orange as the sun sets. I’m gathering fallen branches for our bonfire. Ayumi said that she wants to tell us a story and she said that it will be beautiful with a bonfire.

‘I think this would be enough’ I thought.

“SHINICHI-NIICHAN!” the kids exclaimed as I came out from the woods.

“Can we already light it? We’re all excited to hear Ayumi-chan’s story,” Mitsuhiko said and dragged me hastily.

The fire was set and we already sat at the logs.

“There was once a prince who rules a group of warriors,” Ayumi said as she started the story.

“A fairytale huh?” I heard Miyano whispered and crossed her arms, focusing her attention to Ayumi.

“He always catches bad guys and brings peace in his kingdom,” she continued. “He lives in a perfect life but he was a narcissistic one, what he wants is what he gets,”

“Then, there was beautiful princess, the prince was mesmerized by her beauty plus her kindness to anyone, he fell in love at her when he first met her. As the days pass, the prince pursues his feelings for the princess. He wanted to make her, his queen. The princess happily accepts his offer,”

A typical fairytale’ I thought.

“Then one day, there’s something bad happen to the princess. The healers said that the princess was fated to die and no one can cure it unless they asked help by a witch. The prince can’t help but look away seeing his beloved princess suffering. The healers warned him about the witch but he still insist that he wanted to see the witch. No one believes in what the prince said. No warriors dared to come with him. The princess was begging him not to go and just let her die. And the other day, the princess didn’t wake up but she’s still alive. When the prince heard the news, he secretly goes at the witch place,”

I glanced at Miyano and noticed that she was too focused at what’s Ayumi saying. The light that the bonfire illuminates plus the quietness of the surrounding really makes us calm. I looked back at her and found out that she’s also looking back at me. We stared for a long time and were interrupted by the kids.

“Ehh! What will happen to the prince?”

‘I guess, the witch offered something to prince with a condition’

“The witch said that she will help him but the princess will forgot her feelings for the prince, which was the side effect of the cure. And to be able to make the cure, they need to get all the remedy that was needed. The prince agreed to what the witch said but he didn’t know that unimaginable love will start. As they started their journey, the prince discovered the true self of the witch. The rumors that people always spread about witches weren’t true. That witch was not one of them, she was indeed selfless. In their journey, the prince didn’t realize that he was slowly changing. And then one day, he just realized that he was falling for the witch,”

“Eh? But I think witches are ugly?” I whispered.

Miyano snorted and smirked at me. “Baro, you’re not listening. She was different from other typical witch in a story, she said that the witch was beautiful, Baka!” Miyano whispered.

“The prince was nervous. He wanted to tell his feelings for the witch. The witch like him too but the prince was too dense to notice it,”

I looked at Miyano with widen eye when she suddenly giggled. ‘Beautiful’ I unconsciously thought as I stare at Shiho’s laughing figure. “‘Beautiful’, the prince said as he looks at the witch."

Is it a coincidence that I thought the same word as what the prince said as I look at Miyano?

“He took courage and confessed his feelings for the witch. He was indeed in love now with the witch more than the princess. The witch was happy on what the prince said but the witch denied it and said that maybe he was longing for his princess,”

“He was enraged but he do all of the things that the witch said. He wanted to win her love. He really loves her and he always tells it to the witch. The witch can’t take it and she decided to accept his offered love,”

“They’ve been happy together not until the witch get to complete the cure. She decided to let go of the prince again and go back to his princess. He didn’t want her decision but she keeps on yelling at him. She shouted that she didn’t really love him and kept being cold towards him. The prince unwillingly accepts what she wants and goes back to his kingdom. The people celebrated the prince comeback and even become happier when he brought the cure,”

“The princess was healed and was fully healthy but she still remembers her feelings for the prince. But with unknown reasons, the prince suddenly locks himself in his room. He didn’t dare to talk to someone nor didn’t dare to eat.”

“The rumor spread like wildfire that it was caused by the witch’s curse. They said that the prince fall for her curse and it is now affecting him. The news reached to the witch and she decided to visit the prince. Luckily, the prince decided to go out of his room and his servers try to make him happy. Magician, Jokers and other people come to the castle just to entertain the prince. Then, suddenly a beautiful magician appears in their hallway and it caught the prince’s attention. He ordered to leave him and the magician alone. The princess and the servers was confused by his order by they still obliged.

The woman started to do tricks, and the prince started to cry. Yes. She was her. His beautiful witch that he love and changed him. The witch was surprised when he suddenly run and hugged her, she didn’t know that he will still recognize her behind her disguise. Her cover up disappeared the moment the prince held her tight. He pulled her in a kiss but sadly one of the servers saw it. She called all the knights and they jailed the witch,”

“Ne? What will happen to the witch?” Genta impatiently asked.

“Shhh, just listen to the story first, Genta-kun,” Mitsuhiko intervened, shutting Genta.

“The ministers wanted to kill the witch which made the prince disagree. He confessed his feelings to the board but they only said that it was all because of the witch magic. They decided to kill the witch in front of all the people to end all the misery that they believe that was made by the witch’s curse.

The other day, they tied the witch near a deep pit. Many people gathered near her but the prince was not there. One of the knights freed her but was pushed near the pit. When one of the knights about to strike the spear to her, she suddenly speaks. ‘Can you let me give my last words before you kill me?’ The witch asked and bitterly smiled. Yeah. Maybe the prince was not here but I just want you to let him know that I truly love him and please say that he should take care of himself.’ The people were amazed that she was still thinking about the prince when the death was only waiting for her.

Then, when the spear was thrown, someone suddenly runs and the spear was plunge to him. The guy, he was smiling leaving the witch shocked. Tears begin to flow as she watched the guy slowly fall to her. The people screamed when they recognized the person. ‘I love you, and I’m sorry’ the prince said, weakly. He was catching his breath. ‘I’m sorry for not saying it early or when we were together. Yes, some part of me believes that your feelings were fake. B-But after you s-said t-those l-last w-words, I....I thought that maybe this is t-the o-only thing I c-can d-do f-for you, I love you, I love everything about y-you’ and he smiled. She was surprised but instead of getting angry, she decided to plunge the spear to herself and let their body fall. ‘I love you too,’ she said and hugged the prince body tightly,”




“Well, that was the ending of the story,” Ayumi sadly stated. “I still can’t accept that ending,” she added and pouted.

“The prince learned how to be selfless and experience a true love.” Miyano whispered blankly, staring at nowhere.

‘Despise being a witch she manage to be a selfless and a good person.’

‘She was just like you.

‘Shiho’ I thought as I kept my gaze focused only on her and then unexpectedly, she looked at me making my heart suddenly beat rapidly.

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