Chapter XXVII

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Chapter 27: 'Wonder'


I woke up when I feel the sun's heat in my arm. When I fully opened my eyes, I saw Miyano sitting beside me, her eyebrow raised, arms crossed and she's glaring at me. But instead of shivering at her deadly look or sweating drop like what I used to, I smiled at her and playfully greeted her.

"O-HA-YO! SHI-HO!" I greeted, emphasizing the syllables of what I said. Blame her, this was her effect, she make me do things I thought was silly before.

I close my eyes again but my smile was still there. "Still sleepy?" she asked and I slowly nodded. She carefully get off the bed, probably doesn't want to disturb me. What a sweet woman. I thought and then a silly smile crept in my face.

I heard slowly footsteps behind my back then I felt the warm blanket covered my back. Then suddenly........

"Baaro! Kudo........ kun," she whispered and pushed me, rolling my body, which was still covered by the blanket making me unable to move, at the edge of the bed, making me fall at the other side. Forget what I said lately.

"Miyano!" I shouted, squirming to move my body. "Look at what you do! I look like a living sushi laying here at the floor," I shouted and I heard her laugh.

"Thank me that I didn't punch you like what you suggested," she stated and walked at my side. So she heard me last night. "Well, I won't help you anyway so better solve your own problem, ne? You're a detective, right?" she playfully smirked and walked away.


"Ohayo, Kudo guy!" Watson greeted when I sat beside him. I looked at him and frowned.

"Oh? Still not okay?" he asked while pointing me. I sighed and he searched for his phone on his pocket. "Maybe this can help," he mumbled as he starts tapping on his phone.

"Here," Then he lends his phone and he shows a voice record, I guess. When I listen at the record I can't help but smirk, a silly idea pops in my head.

"Oh! I forgot," I whispered when I remember that I need to thank him and his encouragements. He looked at me and raised his eyebrows. "Thank you for what you did last night, Watson guy."

"Oh that? Anything for my Irene Adler," he teased and smirked. I glared at him and he laughed. He playfully punched me at my arm. "Kidding!" he laughed.

"Don't forget I always got your back," he uttered and winked. "Your secrets are safe with me," he laughed.

"What secrets?" Math suddenly asked and puts her arms around my neck. Behind her was Miyano, who's raising her brow.

I smirked and uttered "Secret."


"Shinichi?" I heard Gray's voice behind us. We are at our favorite place, the peak of the hill, taking our rest.

"Here's your phone. I forgot to give it to you this morning because you know I always have deliveries," he explained and gave me my phone. "It's fully charged like you asked yesterday." He added.

I nodded and thanked him. I opened it and see few unread messages. Some from Hakase, checking us if we're okay, Hattori, who's worriedly asking what happened to us, and.................... Jodie-sensei? I secretly glanced at Miyano and she's talking with Math.

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