Chapter VI

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Chapter 6: 'Strawberry Cake'


It's been two days since the case was happen. We successfully solved the case. Mr. Gomez was too enraged when he heard what the message of his son is. Yes, his son made a prank at that restaurant because his son complained that the manager of that restaurant is annoying him. He apologized for the cause that his son made and they thanked me for solving his son childishness.

It's Tuesday today, and I don't have plans for today. In two days, Shiho and I- I mean Haibara and I will join the kids at their camping in absence of Conan and Haibara. Hakase already made an excuse for us saying that me and Haibara was with our family for a short vacation. I still haven't seen Ran since the restaurant accidentally meet-up. She don't even called me or texted me? Should I visit her?

I changed clothes and walked out of the Kudo Residence and noticed this familiar guy at the gate of Hakase's house.

"Oh? Kudo Shinichi, right? Is this the house of the girl who's with you in restaurant?" he asked.

Feeling close huh? Girl? Haibara? "Why?" I rudely asked.

His brows furrowed because of my tone and disappeared when he noticed Haibara coming out from the house. "Hey! Shi!" he called.

She looked at him and looked at me. And she walks towards us. Calm down Kudo! What's happening to you? My heart is beating fast but I don't know why?

"Why are you here?" she asked... me? Wait? "Huh? Why are you asking me? Should it be him?" I said as I pointed the guy beside him.

"I called him, just what I said to you he's my friend, so, why are you here?" she answered. Tsk. As if I was only a stranger to her.

"Hey! Shi! I brought your favorite strawberry cake." the guy said as he lifts the box of cake.

"Favorite what?" For three years I've spent with Haibara, I don't even know her favorite things.

"Yes, don't you even know? She was your partner, right?" The guy asked. Wait? He already knows her favorites? But they just meet last two days?

"Watson, let's go." she said. "Oh? Hey, Shi! Wait for me?" The Watson guy shouted and run after her. I stomped my feet while walking away. Argh, why am I feeling annoyed so suddenly?



"Hahaha, he looks irritated when he saw me," Watson laughed while slapping his thigh.

I frowned as I looked at him. God, he's too noisy. "Shut up and zip your noisy mouth," I commanded and glared at him.

"Tch. Sungit nito," he mumbled and pouted. Huh? What did he say? Did he just talk to me with a different language?


He just shook his head and smiled cheekily.

"Ai-kun, where did you put-," Hakase's eyes widen when he saw Watson.

"Who is that guy, A- M-Miyano?" Hakase asked, eyeing Watson who abruptly stood up from his seat.

"The name is Watson, sir! G-Glad t-to meet you," Watson said and bowed his head.

"American?" Hakase asked and titled his head.

Watson shook his head. "Ah? No. I'm a Filipino, I studied different languages and right now, I temporarily live here in Japan for my work," he answered.

Great! Now, they are getting along. Please put some sarcasm there. Argh. But I still don't know his real purpose from coming here.

"Hakase, you should finish what you are doing first. Note that camping was in next two days, you better finish that," I interrupted.

"Oh? Right! Well, we'll talk later again, Watson," Hakase said while laughing, tapping Watson's shoulder.

"Seems like you two get along already," I said and get a magazine under the table. "Yup! He asked many things about our place," he answered.

"A Filipino, huh?" I mumbled and looked at him. "Hmm. Right," he said while nodding. "So how's your date with him last two days?" he asked. He's teasing me and I glared at him.

"We have a case, that's all, we solve it and go home, and please Kudo and I didn't have date-" He interrupted me. "And wait! You haven't answered my question last two days? Are you really in love? Can you confirm it?"

"Please, I'm not in love with Kudo," I answered

"And who says I'm referring to Kudo guy? I only said him? And I don't even know if you meet a guy other than Kudo guy?" he shrugged and smirked.

He caught me again. I'm getting stupid when I'm with this guy. Perks of being a detective. He knows how to control a person.

I give him a deadly glare. "Shut up," I rolled eyes.

"Why did you visit?" I would like to think that he was a stalker. "Don't try to think that I am a stalker, well, I'm your new neighbor and-"

Watson's phone sudden chimed and his face became serious. "Huh? It's good to see you again, Shi, but I think I need to go now," he said while looking at his phone. "See you, next day," he smiled and bowed and hurriedly walks out.

"Okay! Bye." I waved my hands.

"And last thing Shi, he looked jealous anyway, that Kudo guy," he shouted, turning his back to me.

Idiot! But I wish he was. But that's impossible. I shook my head to stop thinking of Watson's stupidity. You're making me stupid too, Watson

#•Must Read•#

"Haibara! Haibara!" Shinichi shouted.

"What do you want detective?" Shiho asked... annoyed? Seriously. I think, she's always annoyed whenever I'm around? Shinichi thought and just shrugged.

He lifts a box of cake to Shiho's face while looking away.

"What is the occasion, why are you giving me cakes?" she asked.

"That Watson guy said that you like strawberry cake, I run into a bakery shop and decided to buy some," he answered while scratching his neck. "And have you forgot what I promised to you," He said still not looking at her.

She looked at Shinichi's other hand and noticed the other cake. "I didn't say that I like strawberry cakes," she lied still looking at the other cake.

Shinichi having a keen eye noticed her looking at the other cake.

"It's a blueberry cake," he said and lifts it to let her see it.

He noticed that she smiled a little when she saw the cake but it quickly disappeared.

My favorites. She thought, her eyes glistening from the sight of her favorite cakes.

"Let's go inside and eat both of it," he offered and holds her hand again, dragging her inside the house. This stupid. She thought as she hides her blushing face.

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