Chapter One

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"Hey beautiful, why don't ya let me take you home?"

A Chagrian man in his air speeder pulled up alongside a curb, seeing a beautiful woman walking alone. "No thank you, sir. I'm only a block away from where I'm supposed to be." She smiles at the alien, declining his offer as politely as she can. "Oh come on, Miss!" He continues parking at the corner ahead of her. As the stranger gets out of his vehicle, the beautiful woman retreats into a shadowy alley. "Let me give you a lift." She presses herself into the wall, her body still as he passes by her hiding space. As quietly as possible, she tiptoes back the way she came. Two strong blue arms wrap around her torso, pulling her back into the alley. A scream escapes her lips but is quickly muffled by a calloused hand over her mouth. "When a nice man offers the pretty lady a ride, the pretty lady takes it." The alien growls in her face, the petite brunette being pinned between the wall and this aggressive stranger. "How's about you and me have to make up for this misunderstanding?"

"How's about you let the pretty lady go and get out of town, Mas?"

Both the alien and the young woman turned their heads to see a trio of built men further down in the alley. "Vader... How are you, my friend?" Mas grimaced, still not releasing the girl. This 'Vader' character walked forward, the two men behind him following at a leisurely place. "I was doing well until I saw you again... Perhaps I can turn a blind eye to this if you've got my money." The woman squirmed against Mas but was unable to free herself from his hold. "I... It's back at my place, V. Why don't you let me finish up here and then I'll go get it for you, hmm?" He bargained, his eyes narrowing maliciously down at the girl he'd caught. The trio's leader gave the Chagrian a sadistic smirk.

"Hevy, Echo... take my friend here for a walk while I help the pretty lady."

The two brutish men behind Vader marched forward, causing the Alien to release the girl. While he began backing out of the alley, she ran behind her savior and drew a chuckle from him. "Easy now, Darlin', you're safe now." Vader sighed, watching Hevy grab Mas and throw him against the opposite side of the alley. "Let's get you out of here, alright?" He held out a hand to her. "People 'round here call me Vader."

"In that case, thank you for saving me from that man, Vader..." She put her tiny hand in his, dwarfing his calloused palm with her own. "I'm Padmé." He brought her a bit closer, allowing her hand to rest in the crook of his arm. "Well, Padmé, it was my pleasure saving you." They made their way out of the alley as the sun kissed the waves of the Scarif Sea. "How's about I make sure no one else bothers you? Where can I take you?"

"I was actually heading to The Temple." Padmé bit the inside of her cheek, casually looking away from the handsome man beside her. Now that they were in the light, she could actually see how striking this Vader character was. He had dirty blonde waves that licked at his shoulders, piercing blue eyes and sharp features. He had on a pair of black slacks, leather dress shoes and an open, crisp button down shirt that was a deep ruby color. As they came to a crosswalk and paused their walk, he turned to her with a devilishly handsome smile. "What's an angel like you heading there for?" Vader finally got a good look at her, the sun's golden light hitting the former damsel-in-distress perfectly. She had long curly brown hair, bright chocolate-colored doe eyes, and a doll-like physique. A skin-tight gold dress hugged her delicious curves, a pair of strappy heels bringing the petite beauty up a few inches. He caught her gaze, catching a glimpse of her shy smile in the process.

"I'm actually part of the open mic lineup tonight..."

The crosswalk changed, bringing the new acquaintances back to the world around them. "Well, you're in luck: I'm a VIP at the club and I was actually heading there myself." Vader gave her a hand for balance as they walked over a grate, playing every part the gentlemen he was. "I didn't know the club had VIPs, that's pretty cool." Padmé was grateful to walk on the solid pavement again, mentally praising any God that was listening for not letting her embarrass herself in front of him. "How did you manage that?" He smirked as they neared the front of the club.

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