Chapter Twenty-One

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"So what's the word?"

Vader turned to see Obi-Wan coming up beside him. They'd tasked Padmé with giving her mother and the Jedi's father a full tour of the place - purely so they could be alone.

"Rako Hardeen was the only one missing from the fire." The Sith looked out over the private beach, the house's pool behind them. "The other two men - Cam Merlot and Sebastian Xander - were accounted for in the fire and have been confirmed dead." Vader felt himself sadistically smile, thinking about the cyborg. "What's ironic is that Sebastian visited my club the first night I met Padmé - performing under the alias of Snake Eye Blind." Obi-Wan shook his head, watching the waves crash against a particular rock in the distance. "So he's been tailing her for a while then... Why?"

"I've yet to put all the pieces together myself." The club owner sighed. "My men are working on it and so far, we have a handful of leads. We're fairly positive that Hardeen's the leader and is most likely reporting to someone. The questions of who's supplying the payroll and why target our girls still remain..." He turned to see a soft smile on the Jedi's face. "Our girls, huh? I guess you're right; we may not always be on the same side, but we'll end up family one of these days I'm sure." He paused, stroking his goatee. "Does she have any clue about what's going on?"

"No, and I think it's best we keep it that way," Vader advised, closing his eyes. "I know it's only been a month together but I love her so much already. Padmé makes me feel again... I couldn't imagine my life without her." He confessed to his former best friend. "Someday, yes, I probably will join your little family... I could see making things official and becoming family with her down the line."

"I'm glad it's you." Obi-Wan smiled, turning to face him. "Out of everyone in the Trinity who could've caught her eye, I'm thankful it's you that holds her heart. To be completely honest with you," He paused, gently setting a hand on the gangster's shoulder. "I think you and Padmé couldn't be more fitting for each other. Should things lead you two to matrimony someday, I'll be proud to call you my brother, Anakin."

"Please... don't call me that." The Sith looked away, his true name still like salt in an open wound. "I'm sorry... that's who you are - who you'll always be - to me. I don't mean to upset you, I swear." Obi-Wan frowned, feeling the gap between them widen further.

"Everything okay, boys?" Both young men turned around to see Qui-Gon standing there with Jobal and Padmé under his arms. "Yeah, dad. We're fine..." His son threw a hand up to his neck; red flag. "V, are you alright?" The Sith's beautiful girlfriend walked up to his side with a concerned look on her face. "We're good, baby." He pressed a kiss to her forehead, not wanting his girl to worry so much about him. "Did you guys enjoy the tour? Mé's got a touch for interior design, the place's almost totally her vision."

"Oh yes, everything looks lovely, dear." Jobal smiled, her arm's around her beau's waist. "I warn you though - she'll turn into a perfectionist the first chance you give her."

"Mom!" Padmé groaned, rousing laughs from everyone around her. "It's not my fault that I like to make things match and keep things organized."

"I welcome her OCD, honestly." The songstress' boyfriend reasoned. "I'm not really into keeping things neat and tidy. I always kind of struggled with cleaning; while I don't expect her to clean, it's nice having someone to push me to keep the house in order." He felt her lean into his chest, a dreamy look in her eyes. "I think that's a wonderful way to look at things. It's nice having a partner who makes you want to be better." Qui-Gon agreed, his green eyes shifting to observe his woman. "Jo makes me get out of my chair and walk on these bad legs. Not even Obi can do that."

"Not for lack of trying, Pop..." His son sighed, seeing the sun begin to disappear into the waves. "As fun as this has been, we probably need to start heading out for the night. It's about an hour until dark and that's about how long we'll be flying home."

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