Chapter Thirty-Three

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     "Sweetheart, please come downstairs... You need to eat something."

     "No, I'm staying right here." Padmé sat beside one of the bedroom windows, having hobbled into one of the armchairs. "He's going to be back any minute, he'll come right through that gate..." She had spent her day curled up with a throw blanket, braiding her hair back in two long reverse plaits to distract herself from his absence. "Can I at least bring you something to eat? Maybe some tea?" Jobal sighed, knowing her daughter wouldn't budge. "No thank you." With her dismissal, the girl's mother retreated from the dark bedroom with a frown. She returned downstairs, finding her fiancé and her daughter's companions in the kitchen nook. "Still nothing?" Qui-Gon saw the disappointment in her eyes. "No, she will not come out until he's home." Jo sat beside him, anxiously rubbing his hand when he took hold of hers. Ahsoka eyed the blonde beside her, sending they were both on the same page. "We'll go join her then." Satine grinned, slipping her house-shoes on under the table. "If she's too stubborn to budge, then we'll go be too stubborn to leave her alone."

     "Be careful... Last night's events have messed with her head." The former Jedi Boss warned them, knowing that his daughter-to-be was struggling. "I'm sure Vader reassured her that she was safe, but she won't feel protected until her protector's home." Both of the girls nodded before heading out of the kitchen.

      Ahsoka headed upstairs first, passing by one of the guards Rex left behind. "Whether they agree to it or not, I think the three of us should begin training once Padmé's up to it." Satine followed her close behind. "Training like your squad on Mandalore?" The Togruta tipped her head to the side in question. "Exactly. My original girls were amazing, may the gods rest their souls. I think the three of us and maybe even more of the Sith women would be a valuable asset to the gang." They slowed a few doors down, Satine heading into Padmé's glam room. "For now, we need to focus on her recovery. My brother won't allow anything to happen until she's well."

      "Agreed, we need to make sure she knows that she's safe with us and that we won't let anything else happen to her." Ahsoka watched the boss's sibling grab a pair of fuzzy shorts, a fresh pair of undergarments, and a matching pair of fuzzy socks from a lower drawer. "I think I'll get her a fresh shirt from V's closet - she'll appreciate having it on while he's not here." Satine hit the lord as they left, quietly walking up to the door. "Hey,c Tweety Bird..." She knocked, the door cracking with her sing-song. "Soka and I are here."

     "Come in."

     Just as Jobal had reported earlier, the singer in question was curled up next to a window. As they drew nearer, Padmé forced herself to tear her eyes from the front gate. "How are you?" The youngest went forward for an embrace, the women kissing each other on the cheek. "I'm fine," Padmé mumbled, seeing the blonde's knowing look. "Darling, please, don't try to be strong for us." Satine kissed the top of her head, handing her the clothes. "I just... I want him back already. They've been gone all day." The singer let her guard down, seeing them both get comfortable around her chair. "V promised he would be here when I woke up this morning and he's still gone, it's almost nightfall yet again..."

      "I haven't heard much, but they were venturing into Jedi territory last Yularen received anything from Rex." Ahsoka sat cross-legged on the floor, recalling the brief message from her partner earlier. "They will be back, darling. You need to relax and try to busy yourself." Satine sat in the armchair across from her, this seat in the dark corner. "Why don't we help you into the entertainment area upstairs, hmm? We can make some tea..."

      "Maybe something a little stronger than tea." Padmé sighed, feeling the pain in both feet slowly fading back in. "The meds are starting to wear off." She noticed their shared look of concern. "Did they not send you home with anything to take?" Ahsoka raised a painted brow, watching the brunette shake her head. "It was all through the IV-line on my hand, but now I'm guessing the effects are fading away."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2020 ⏰

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