Chapter Eight

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"You did great tonight. Sorry to spring the event on you last minute."

"It's fine, Vader. I would've been workin' the normal crowd either way if it wasn't for the party." Padmé smiled at her boss as he got into an air speeder. "No swoop bike tonight?" Vader chuckled, shaking his head and watching her walk around the hood of the vehicle. "Nah, she needed a tune up so I flew in my two-seater." She nodded, strapping into the passenger's seat. "Thanks to you, I think I'll be able to purchase a speeder for my mother by the end of this month." He just nodded, warming up the engines. Before taking off, the Sith turned to his canary.

"Hey, I know that this is kind of last minute but... can I take you somewhere?"

Padmé cocked her head to the side, running a hand over one of her long Dutch braids. "I guess so... Mom and I are closed until tomorrow night; I guess it's cool if I stay out a little later." She reasoned, feeling the ship begin to move. "Great, I've got a place I want to show you. I'm afraid that it's deep in my territory where we're going, but there shouldn't be really anyone but us around." Vader smirked, speeding up as he came out of the lot and headed further west. "Well, even if there is, you'll protect me, right?" She glanced over at him, matching his playful attitude. "Of course, do you really think I wouldn't?" He chuckled, wind whipping over their heads. "Don't worry, babygirl, I got you."

The singer blushed, turning away to look out over her side of the vehicle. Ever since they'd met, he'd always called her that. It made her feel really special but only if it came from him. Sure, Qui-Gon had occasionally called her the same pet name but it was different when it fell from Vader's lips. He was so protective of her, devoting more attention to solely her than she wanted to admit. The Sith hadn't let anyone else fly her back and forth through the territories, barely anyone from his world even got close enough to touch her. Padmé was so grateful for Vader; life seemed more... alive, since they'd met. She couldn't get too into her growing feelings though. He was her boss now and that made any could-be-mistaken-for-romantic-or-flirtatious encounters inappropriate. A very foolish part of the songstress hoped it would continue though.

The gangster tuned out of her thoughts, relieved that he wasn't the only one feeling something more going on between them. He felt more alive around her - like he had a true purpose to serve whenever she was around. Vader didn't want anyone else near her - except her mother; they both only wanted the best for Padmé, he was sure of it.

"What's with the quiet? Was it something I said?" Vader reached over and gave her thigh a playful tap. Padmé giggled, the sound like music to his ears. "No, it's nothing... Where are we going anyways?" She looked over at him, giving his shoulders a fake shove. "It's a surprise... one I hope you'll love as much as I do." He put his arm around the back of the bench, leaving his side open. "You, uh... wanna come sit with me?"

"Boss..." Padmé bit the corner of her lip, seeing the shady smile on his face. "I thought we were gonna be professional." Vader tossed his head to the side, half-focused on the empty road ahead. "It's just us and we're both off the clock. You don't have to sit with me if you don't want to, I was just..." He stopped, feeling her snuggle up under his arm.

"That's what I thought, babygirl."

"Don't call me that."

"You know you like it..."


About ten minutes down the road, they came to the edge of the west-most island. Vader parked behind a rock formation a little ways from the shore. "I hope you don't mind getting your feet wet." He smiled, nudging her chin with his hand. "I'm just glad I didn't wear heels tonight..." Padmé yawned, reaching down to undo her sandals. While she did that, he slid out of the vehicle and surveyed his cave with the Force.

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