Chapter Ten

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Later that evening, Vader and Padmé found themselves back at the club - all alone.

"I have a surprise for you." The Sith announced upon their arrival, heading straight to the front door of the club. "Another surprise? Wow, boss, you're really laying it on thick..." His canary giggled, going in after he opened the door for her. "I thought we were gonna keep things professional, Vader."

"Forgive me but last night in the cave, you sent a completely different message... Can we get past this play-hard-to-get game of yours?" Vader locked the door behind him then put in the security code at a station in the lobby. "I'm not playing any games..." Padmé rolled her eyes, leaning back against a nearby column. "Right... Explain to me what happened last night on the beach then, hmm?" He looked over at her, watching her run a hand through her ponytail. "I don't know what you're talking about..."

"Like hell you don't." Vader was in front of her in a flash, his hand barely covering her throat. "You're telling me that this..." He gave her neck tiny squeeze. "...doesn't ring any bells with you?" Padmé shoved him off, straightening out her hair. "I don't want anyone here seeing that kind of thing happen between us, hence why I'm not talking about it beyond this point until we're alone." He scowled softly, staring at the wall for a moment as a way to calm down. Her insistence on continuing being distant was aggravating; he just wanted to be with her as a man who was interested in her, not her boss. After meeting with Jobal, he was even more determined to call Padmé his woman. (The girl's mother gave him her verbal approval of the union when Padmé ran back upstairs to grab her things.) "Padmé, it's just us here... Why do you think I had to disable the security system and lock the front door back?" Vader turned around to find the lobby empty, his favorite songbird nowhere in sight. He slowly made his way towards the main room in the club, flicking on the lights as he did so. "Babygirl, where'd you go?" He stopped under the center chandelier, hearing a quiet giggle echo through the dance hall.

"Come find me and then we can... talk about last night." Padmé called out, praying he wasn't too close to her hiding spot. The Sith chuckled, her little game very enticing.

"Oh, you're gonna get it when I find you."

Padmé giggled, hiding behind one of the couches on the third level balcony. She peeked out from one side, seeing Vader walk to the opposite side of the room and begin to mount the stairs two-by-two. Luckily for her, he started on the second level; this gave her the opportunity to sneak over to the other staircase, creeping down as softly as possible. Meanwhile, the Sith finally sensed she'd been a level higher and made his way upwards. He hurried, sensing that she was on the move again. By the time he got halfway through the third level, Vader stopped and leaned on the railing as he looked toward the glass-top performing stage with a smug smile.

"You do realize I can see you, right?"

"Oh no..." Padmé looked at him through the glass before making a run for it again. This time, she was heading to his private lift; she'd go hide upstairs near his box. Vader hoisted himself over the railing, jumping three stories with the Force breaking his fall. He hurried after her, seeing her smirk at him as the lift's glass doors shut and the transport capsule started to move. "You're in trouble now." He laughed, seeing her defiantly shake her head. "You better find a good spot to hide before I get up there."

She giggled as the doors opened, hitting all the level buttons inside so it would stop several times. Vader didn't notice she'd done this until it stopped on the fifth level. "Padmé, you little..." He growled playfully, impressed by her little stunt more than annoyed. It'd be alright though; he'd go upstairs and find her, claiming the songstress' sweet lips as his prize. Once the lift finally reached the ground level, the gangster hopped in and calmly rode upstairs after his canary.

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