Chapter Eleven

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"With my feelings on fire, guess I'm a bad liar..."

As Padmé rolled into the second verse of the hit song, Ben watched from the corner of one fourth-story balcony. With his hood low and his body pressing against a sidewall, the Jedi was hidden from most other club patrons. He shielded himself with the Force in an attempt to stay out of trouble with any of the rival gang also in the building. In all honesty, Kenobi had no interest in partying or drinking until he blacked out so it felt odd being at such establishment. However, he braved such abnormal social activities in order to see his best friend perform. After their fight at the diner, the Jedi couldn't wish away his guilt so he decided to give her an olive branch by coming to the club and watching her perform. So far, impressed was an understatement; Ben was blown away.

"Obi-Wan Kenobi," A gruff voice came from behind him, a beefy hand grabbing his bicep. "Come with us." The redhead turned around to see two ghosts of his past. "Rex, Fives, there's no need to be pushy - I'll come willingly." He remembered them or rather a much younger and leaner version of them; the guards motioned for him to follow, sandwiching Ben between them. They led him upstairs towards the luxury box, the Sith gang's leader watching everything from above.

Vader was enjoying a glass of bourbon and Padmé's performance... until Kenobi appeared. He bit the inside of his cheek, a mixture of nostalgic longing and anger swirling in his mind. No Jedi were allowed at his club unless they were paying a debt or meeting with him to discuss a loan proposition. He normally didn't deal with the enemy gang at all but there wasn't anyone else in the Trinity Isles as rich as he was. While they'd never come to him as a group, members of the Jedi would secretly meet with him if they were strapped for cash and desperate enough. Using their debts as leverage helped Vader keep his rivals in check, exposure and public embarrassment too risky for any of the Jedi to cross him. However, seeing Kenobi again didn't entirely anger him.

A part of him was glad - relieved - to see his former best friend - his brother - again.

His stormy blue eyes cast back down onto the stage, seeing that Padmé had finished her song. She froze at the end of the number, standing on one hip with an arm effortless thrown in the air. It'd been just a little over two weeks since they'd met and she was already melting into his life with every smile. Vader couldn't help but feel proud as the crowd cheered on; his canary was a superstar, one he was glad to be dating on the down low. Padmé had officially been his girl for six days, tomorrow marking one week that they'd spent together as a couple. So far, no one from her side of town caught a whiff of their romance so all was well in his eyes... Anything to keep her happy. In truth, he had briefly told his men at the club so that way, they'd know not to bother him unless it was an emergency. It'd been a very long time since he'd shown interest in any woman so it was vital that his closest allies knew that she was with him now.

It wasn't just him they had to protect anymore.

"Boss." Rex appeared to his right, his rough voice a soft whisper. "Kenobi's here just as you asked." Vader nodded, withdrawing from his thoughts. "Leave us." He softly commanded, his back to them. The guards cleared out, leaving the Jedi alone with the Sith. "Take the hood off, you need not hide from me." Vader slowly turned around, facing his old-friend-turned-enemy. Obi-Wan did as he was told, revealing his sharply-cut red hair. The two of them stood in silence for a moment, neither ready to talk.

"Anakin... you're looking well."

"Don't call me that." Vader scowled but otherwise remained unmoving. "You know I don't go by that name anymore." The Sith sighed, dropping his scowl as he walked over to a drink cart. "Jack Daniels or Jim Bean?"

"Jack please, thank you." The Jedi gave him a polite nod, taking a step towards him. Vader downed the rest of his bourbon then poured the whiskey over some fresh ice. "I never thought I'd see you here again, let alone on this side of town." He held out the new glass, taking a sip of his own. "Well... I wanted to check out the new performer you've hired. She's quite talented, don't you agree?" Ben watched him nod, motioning towards the sitting area. "I know you know Padmé, Obi-Wan. You don't have to pretend to not know her..." Vader took his usual seat in the plush chair at the end of the coffee table while his guest took the other opposite to him. "How long have you been back?"

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