Chapter Two

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"What's good, Scarif?" The crowd went wild as the disk jockey cut the music. "Y'all know that The Temple is the place to be in the Trinity Isles. Y'all know what I'm saying?" Once again, the club goers out on the floor cheered enthusiastically. "Alright, y'all. We're in for a real treat tonight, okay? It's Vader's open mic night!"

As the DJ mentioned him, a spotlight shined on the VIP in his box. Vader waved to the club's occupants, clapping politely as the light stayed on him. "I'm going to turn it over to the big Sith himself for just a sec to introduce tonight's contest." The sound tech switched over a microphone that was handed to the club owner seconds before. "Thank you so much, Cortez." Vader began, smiling devilishly at the sea of people below him. "Now for a while now, we've wanted to add a vocalist to the club in order to give a new vibe to The Temple. Tonight, I'm hosting open mic night in order to hopefully fill that position... We've got eight talented individuals who will be performing for all of you tonight. The winner - should I choose one - will become the permanent vocalist and perform a few nights a week. It's all of you that will be helping me make that big decision." He paused, letting the crowd cheer. "Alright, I'm gonna throw it back to Cortez now who's going to bring up our first performer. Cortez, who's up?"

"Give it up for... Lucy Matrix!"

A Twi'Lek girl stepped onto the stage, the silver "outfit" she wore barely covering the necessary areas and bright against her pink skin. She began singing some mainstream pop song that Vader couldn't place - nor did he really want to. Lucy was good, yes but she lacked the presence on stage he was looking for. She looked very shy and timid, barely moving around the space. He could even tell from so far away that the alien was holding the microphone in a vice grip. She was too nervous, the crowd's rowdiness only adding to her anxiety. Luckily for her, the song came to end almost as fast as it had started. Lucy took a bow towards the crowd then an even deeper bow towards the Sith's box. "Thank you, Mighty Vader."

"Alright, next up..." Cortez looked at his list as the Twi'Lek left the stage. "We got us an interesting character, to say the least, their name's crazy y'all. Put your hands together and give a warm welcome to... Snake Eye Blind!"

A cyborg human came onto the stage, the man dressed in all black. His hair was in thick dreadlocks and tied together behind his head; they swung freely down his back. The Dj brought up his track, a rap song the Sith actually recognized as one of Nicki Minaj's. "Look sucka, this my gun butta..." He rapped, his voice half-mechanical-sounding. Vader nodded along to the beat, half impressed and half indifferent. Snake Eye Blind was fairly interactive with the crowd but he almost seemed as if it was too rehearsed. His moves were too practiced and even a little ridiculous by the Sith's standards. He did have to commend the man for his skill; the Snake didn't stutter once.

"Give it up for Snake Eye Blind, y'all!" Cortez hyped up the crowd as the cyborg took his exit bows. "That was fire, my man... Alright, next up is..." He paused, squinting at his datapad. "Awe, how cute! Give it up for Miss Tweety Bird!" Vader's full, undivided attention snapped to the stage. Padmé stepped up onto the stage with the help of Wullf, an effortless smile on her face. Many members of the crowd gave a few catcalls and whistles; she was - by far - the most gorgeous girl in the club thus far that evening. Cortez spun the mixer into her track, the crowd hushing uncharacteristically in anticipation.

"Let me introduce you, to my party people - in da club... Huh!"

Vader grinned, unable to take his eyes off of her. He barely even noticed one of his men had entered his box. "So, where'd ya pick this one up, boss?" His right hand, Rex, came up beside him; both men mirrored each other's stance - arms crossed. "Mas was trying to screw with her earlier and I intervened... She's a beaut, don't ya think, Rexie?"

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