Chapter Twenty-Two

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"My goddess, you're gorgeous."

Vader walked into Padmé's new glam room, seeing his girl all done up at her vanity. The singer had straightened her curly hair, leaving it completely down and blown out perfectly. Her makeup was natural looking, save the heavy bronzing on her cheeks and almost wet-looking glow powder. She was still in her robe, not dressed quite so fast. "I was a little worried when I woke up and you weren't there." He walked over to her vanity, giving her a big kiss. "How long have you been up?"

"Long enough to shower, do my hair and makeup." Padmé got up from her seat and hugged him tightly. "You looked so peaceful, I didn't want to wake you." Vader grinned, his arms locked around her waist. "Any night I get to sleep curled up with you is a peaceful night, baby." He kissed her again, one hand going up to hold her face. She smiled, feeling him back her up until she was sitting on top of the vanity. The Sith pulled her legs up around his hips, her chest flush against his. His canary simply melted into his affections, her arms wrapped around his shoulders. He finally broke the kiss a moment later, kissing along her jaw and down her neck.


"Yes, baby girl?" Vader pulled back, a satisfied smirk on his face. "I love you..." Padmé smiled, hugging him down to her level. "I love you too, baby." He kissed her head, picking his petite girlfriend up; he settled down in her makeup chair, content to hold her in his lap. "What do you wanna do today?"

"Well, I think we finished up most of the painting yesterday." She thought through their renovations; the foyer was the last place they needed to paint. "The beds and rest of the furniture for the guest rooms aren't being delivered for another few days..." He nodded along, playing with her hair as she spoke. "Well, do you have things to do today?"

The meeting with Kenobi popped into his mind. "I have a meeting tonight."

"Oh..." Tweety tilted her head to the side. "Can I come?"

"You know how I feel about mixing you in with business..." The gangster held her chin, forcing their eyes to meet. "It's not a place for you." Padmé sighed, snuggling against his shoulder. "I just wanna be with you." Her boyfriend chuckled, kissing the side of her head. "I know, babygirl... If I could, I'd just stay home all day and be with you."

"You'd get bored eventually." She rolled her eyes. "Never." He pulled her closer by the legs, bringing his girlfriend to straddle him. "You and I could watch paint dry all day long and I'd never get bored so long as I was with you." She rolled her eyes again, this time grinning. "You're too good to me, Vader." He kissed the base of her throat, his slightly stubbled chin scrapping against her skin. "Nah..." Vader growled, kissing the base of her throat. "You're too good for me, babygirl."

"Excuse me, Master." Vader and Padmé's moment was ruined, the gangster's protocol droid standing in the doorway. "What is it, Threepio?"

"Mistress Satine has arrived." As he spoke, a tall blonde woman pushed past him. She raised one of her perfectly manicured eyebrows, her blue eyes scrutinizing the two. "So you forgot to pick me up because you were too busy playing house?"

"Tine..." Vader sobered up rather quick, gently pushing his girlfriend off his lap. "I was told that you weren't going to be here until tonight." He went up to her, embracing this mystery woman while Padmé stood back utterly confused. "Well, I left Mandalore earlier than anticipated... Are you going to introduce me to your girl here? Or is she some harlot you picked up at that little club of yours?"

"Satine." He growled, snapping into full Sith-mode. "This is my girlfriend and the love of my life, Padmé Naberrie." As his eyes turned to his girl, the steel in his gaze softened. "Baby, this is my older step-sister, Satine Kryze... She's going to be staying with us for a while." Padmé melted into his side, her brown eyes unsure as she glanced at his "sister." Suddenly, her head whipped to regard him. "This is - she is - why we've been renovating, isn't she?"

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