Chapter Sixteen-and-a-Half (NSFW)

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A/N: I'm going to start making these NSFW chapters private, which means you'll need to be following me to view them. This is something I'll start doing with the next NSFW chapter and eventually, I will go back through and make them all private. This one's going to be public, so read at your own risk. - G


Vader laid her back down like she was before. "Just lay here then... We've got all night and I want to take our time. Is that okay with you?" Padmé nodded, kissing his cheek as she settled back against him. This time around, the Sith kissed along her neck as his hand ventured lower between her hips. By the time the sun rose over Scarif's Trinity Isles, Padmé Naberrie would officially and undeniably be his woman.

With the softest touch his calloused hand could muster, Vader ran his hand down her stomach; from her navel all the way down to her most sensitive area. "If you get uncomfortable at all and want to stop, just tell me and I'll back off." Padmé eyes snapped closed at the feeling of his warm hand against her smooth mound. "Yes, sir... Please don't stop." He felt his sense of pride swell in his chest; it made him feel more powerful knowing she wanted him as well. Keeping his approach cautious, he smoothed two fingers over her untouched folds. She gasped, gently arching her back against him. Vader bit the inside of his lip, feeling how slick she was. "You're so wet... Baby, have you ever done anything like this before?"

"No... No one's ever touched me before."

"Have you ever touched yourself?" He hummed against her ear, his lips sloppily kissing the shell of her ear. "Maybe once or twice... I never really knew what to do." She answered him honestly, suddenly curious about his past. "Have you ever done anything?" Vader paused for a second, not wanting to ruin the moment. " I haven't ever gone all the way with anyone, but girls have done me a favor less than a handful of times... Being a teenage guy is hard to do, hormones make you want to do stupid things." He felt her stiffen a bit, not wanting to hear anyone else had been with him.


"It never meant anything to me. I just... needed a release."

"I understand." She slowly let her body relax again, snuggling down in his arm. "I'm not mad. I'm glad you told me... Can you promise me something?" Deciding to risk it, he swiped his fingers back up her slit. "Anything you want, my love."

"If we do this, no more girls." Her eyes shut, head nuzzling beneath his chin. "I know you're the one who usually gives me the rules but..." She trailed off, receiving a searing kiss from her boyfriend. "You have my word... It's just you and me, babygirl." Vader kissed her deeply, his index finding her tiny bundle of nerves. He gently rubbed circles into it, starting with a light pressure and slowly working up with his speed. "Nobody else is gonna touch you like I do... Nobody else is allowed to touch you like I do."

Padmé sighed, leaning her head to the side; she nipped at his jaw. "No one but you, Daddy..." The Sith grinned, taking his time to play with her. He ran his index down her folds and found her small entry. He shushed her, hearing the slightest wincing from her lips. "It's okay, it just means you're pure... You won't be much longer." She nodded, her leg hoisted slightly higher over his hip. Her eyes found the movie again, this time seeing the man walk the girl into a red room with a lot of weapons on the wall - at least that's what she could make out with her beau's actions. "Have you ever done this... like all the way?" His actions paused, though his digits never strayed from her mound.

"No." Vader caught her gaze. "In that regard, I have saved myself... for you." He smirked softly, his eyes shifting down to his lips. "I didn't know it then, but I had an angel waiting for me." Padmé grinned, tilting her head up to kiss him. As their lips danced together, two of his fingers entry her tight hole. She hissed, accidentally biting his lower lip. The love bite only encouraged him further, sliding her shirt up over her head. "Fuck, baby... You're gettin' me all hot and bothered."

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