Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Good morning, babygirl..."

Padmé slowly stirred awake from her peaceful slumber, the feeling of calloused fingertips soothing against her skin. "Come on, I know you're awake..." Feeling uncharacteristically at ease, Vader wanted nothing more than to devote his morning to her. "Baby..." He pushed back her curly mane, keeping the sheets up to cover her bareback. "That feels amazing." Her voice came out rough, her brown eyes only slightly cracked. "How'd you sleep, V?"

"Much better after making love to you last night, shit..." The gangster chuckled, pulling his girlfriend closer by her hips. "How about you?" His canary blushed, nuzzling into his chest. "Good... So what's on the agenda for today? We don't have anything planned for tonight, so we're off I think." The couple laid together peacefully, the morning sun slipping in through the sheer curtains. "Qui-Gon and your mother are still here, they're probably wondering when we'll be up." He reminded her, feeling her lips over his heart. "We could stay here and pass breakfast duty onto Satine and your brother." He offered, a wicked idea in his mind. "Then we could stay here a bit longer, or we could go take a shower together..."

"V, they're our guests - we should take care of them." Padmé propped herself up on her elbows, inwardly rolling her eyes at his suggestiveness. "How's about we wait until they leave, then we can worry about continuing where we left off last night?" Even she was struggling to leave the bed; one of his hands kept smoothing down her back to her bum. "I'm gonna force my sister out as soon as I can manage..." Vader winked at his love before getting up, slipping his flannels on after grabbing them from the floor. He used the force to float one of his shirts over to her. She gratefully received it. "I'm going to put some actual clothes, why don't you rinse off while I go find some?"

"Can I ask that you wear a skirt or dress of some sort?" He smirked.

"Just because you asked..." Padmé got up onto her tiptoes. "" She stole a quick kiss before pulling the tunic on and heading to her glam room.

After quietly shutting their bedroom door, the singer made her way down to the glam room. As she passed their now-complete hall of guest rooms, Padmé thankfully noticed Qui-Gon and her mother were still asleep; they'd left their door cracked last night. Deciding she wanted to check on the rest of their guests, she carefully crept to the next door down where Ben was staying. Inside the darkroom laid an untouched bed with no ginger insight; she heard a door close further down the hall.

Looking as guilty as she'd ever seen before, there was Obi-Wan sneaking out of Satine's room in only a pair of sleep pants. "Well, well, well..." Padmé grinned, seeing the color in his face drain. "Did you get any sleep last night or were you and Satine a little... busy?" He swallowed hard, glancing past her. "Please, don't tell anyone - especially your boyfriend... I'd rather not have my ass beat this morning if it's all the same to you." She started giggling, holding her tongue as she pushed past him.

"...I'll let you take a power nap then. Breakfast will be ready in a bit."


After freshening herself up in the glam room, Padmé found herself at the stove cooking some eggs. She'd opted for a two-piece outfit made of red-and-white-gingham, the cropped top and short shorts showing off plenty of skin. Her curls were messily tied back on top of her head, though really only the top layers were bound by the elastic; the rest of her curls were loose. Since there was quite a bit of cooking to do, Padmé decided to forgo the makeup and keep her face natural for the day off. She'd already begun steeping a pot of green tea and another kettle full of earl grey (for her step-father-to-be) on the left side of the stove. In front of her was a square skillet that was being used for omelet rolls; they had seasoning, cheese, and pork bits inside.

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