Chapter Sixteen

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Officially one month together.

Vader could hardly believe it; he'd been courting his canary for a whole month. In the past when a small handful of girls caught his eye, none held his interest for more than a fortnight. Padmé, however, continued to captivate him as if it were the first day they'd met. She was beautiful, talented, kindhearted and most importantly, all his. Since it was a very special evening for the couple, Padmé would be staying with him until dusk.

Tonight would be the first time that he attempted to bring her out of her comfort zone.

"Boss." The gang leader turned, seeing Rex coming in with one of their scouts - Shade - tailing him. "News from the neutral zone."

"Out with it." Vader shut the curtains for a moment; he didn't want to risk anyone catching a glimpse of their conversation. "There were some suspicious looking characters hanging around outside you girlfriend's place. Three of them, two alien and one wearing a helmet; they weren't ours or Jedi." Shade reported, standing at ease in front of their boss. "I understand that it's not our jurisdiction, but since you started dating Miss Naberrie, we've kept tabs on her place in particular for security purposes only." The trio was silent for a moment, their leader breaking the silence. "Did you intervene or question them? Engage them at all?"

"No, sir."

"Good... Keep an eye on the place; I don't want my girl or her mother harmed. They're not Sith, but they are considered part of our circle. If you're able to get some sort of video feed going, that would be ideal." Vader crossed his arms, regarding the recon operative. "See if you can get an ID on the aliens or the masked one if you ever see their face. Run them through the system and see if it pulls anything... Good work, you're dismissed." Shade nodded before backing out quietly. Rex lingered a bit longer, eyeing the boss as he opened the curtains once more. "What're you thinking?"

"I'm thinking that I've got a bad feeling about this..." Vader let his guard down, inviting his right hand up to the glass. "Why would they target Miss Thule's? I get it's a way to fuck with me by fucking with Tweety, but their home? Her mother?" Rex shook his head, running a calloused hand over his blonde buzz. "I'm not sure either, boss. Do you want us to evacuate the girl's mother just in case?" The gang leader remained silent for a moment before shaking his head. "I don't want to alarm Jobal or Padmé. For now, I want you to go ahead and join Shade and Zero. If anything happens and they make a move to harm the place, get Jobal out of there and bring me their heads." Rex nodded before running out, hurrying to go catch up with the reconnaissance duo.

Vader's eyes fell back on his girl, losing himself in her voice.


It was almost midnight and The Temple continued to party on as if they'd just begun.

Padmé beamed after finishing yet another song, the crowd's cheering only encouraging her. She had about half a dozen more songs scheduled before she'd be released for the night. The songstress was both excited and nervous to spend the night with Vader. Her mind raced through the past month, her heart fluttering at each memory. All the picnic lunches, date nights after her sets, warm embraces, toe-curling kisses... She sighed dreamily. "I'm a lucky, lucky girl..."

Right as she was about to start the next song, Tweety felt a hand on her arm. "V?" The Sith smiled, bringing her in for a hug. "I'm letting you off early tonight on account of the fact I can't wait to take you home any longer." He whispered in her ear, gently plucking the mic from her grasp. "Hey, everybody." Vader addressed the club's patrons, hearing their roaring applause. "I'm afraid Tweety's set has been cut short tonight but don't fret. She'll be back Tuesday night to party again!" Despite their disappointment, the crowd cheered again; some even started chanting her name. Cortez took over, drawing their attention to him. "Alright y'all, I wanna hear you make some noise!"

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