Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Jobal and Qui-Gon reclined on an oversized lounge chair, both content and peacefully curled together. They watched their respective children and their hosting family play a game of Porg together.

"Ben, you ass!" Padmé cried, much to her mother's displeasure. They lost the tie-breaker round, meaning Vader and Satine won the game. "You're supposed to stay balanced, I'm doing all of the work and yet you still cost us the game!" Her stepbrother-to-be rolled his eyes as he wiped some of the water out of his beard. "It's not my fault; they've got height on both of us..." He turned to their opponents. "Plus, I don't know which one of you nearly kicked me in the dick, but that's enough to make anyone jump."

"Obi-Wan Kenobi." His father scolded, causing the rest of the pool's inhabitants to burst into laughter. Vader wadded over to his girl, gently pulling her up out of the water into his arms. "I'm sorry we won if it makes you feel any better." Padmé raised a brow at him. "Was it you or Satine that tried to kick him in the nuts?" The Sith chuckled, kissing her forehead. "I don't think she was trying to kick him so much as get his attention..." Now it was her turn to laugh, realizing why it was so startling for her brother.

Obi-Wan, for his part, was both startled and aroused thanks to the perfect stranger he'd met only the day before. Speaking of the devil herself, Satine came up from the water - right in front of him. "Something wrong, Ben?" He scoffed, making her chuckle darkly at him. "While I won't say your advances are unwelcome... My and Padmé's parents are literally sitting right over there." He pouted, checking on the elder couple; they seemed to thankfully be in their own world. "Perhaps we can discuss this at another time, somewhere private?"

"Why don't we discuss this over dinner?" Ever the bold, Satine smirked at him as she ran her nails over his submerged abdomen muscles. "Are you asking me on a date, Satine?" Obi-Wan felt himself shiver, doing this best to keep a straight face. "I suppose I am, Kenobi... I didn't want to miss out on the opportunity." She feigned an innocent look. "Who said there wouldn't have been opportunity?" He countered, getting up from the side steps to stand over her. "What if I was planning to ask you to dinner later on?"

"Did you get my permission, Kenobi?" Vader waded up to them, Padmé right beside him. "Well, I... I was going to..." Ben held the back of his neck, suddenly losing all of his previous confidence. Luckily for his falter, Satine stepped up - literally getting in between the two of them. "I don't need your permission to date, Vader." The Sith chuckled, crossing his arms as he regarded her. "He's a Jedi, Satine. That's the only reason for interference."

"So what?" Padmé entered the conversation. "That's their business, not ours. This family is a family despite the labels, is it not?" The gangster looked stunned by her bravery. "Sweetheart, as I have said before-"

"Ladies, if I may rip the bacta off, Vader and I are not exactly on good terms right now." Obi-Wan had to force himself not to call the Sith by his true name. "It has nothing to do with either of you."

"Damn right, it doesn't." Vader pushed past him, hearing his comm beep from the patio. "Maybe once you get the job done, we can talk about you courting my sister." He climbed out of the pool, a scowl marred onto his face. "Step-sister." Satine corrected him, glancing at Padmé beside her. "Do you know what job he's referring to?" The singer shook her head, getting the blonde's idea. "Not at all, Tine. Ben, perhaps you could shed some light on this subject for us..." The women had backed Kenobi into the corner steps once more. "Out of pure self-preservation, I'm not answering that."

"See? He learns... eventually." The Sith grumbled, using the side of the pool to get back in. "Mé, you know my feelings - drop it." Padmé couldn't meet Satine's eyes as she waded over to him. "Sorry, V." She pouted, reaching up to him; her beau lifted her up into his embrace. "I just wanna help you." He sighed, pushing back some wet hair from her forehead. "Baby..." Vader didn't know what to say, merely holding her to his chest. They were content in their silence, drifting back towards the deeper end to float together. Satine watched them with a stern expression. "I don't like how he orders her around... She's not a baby and she's not made of glass."

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