Chapter Twenty-Four

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"You made it."

Eighteen-year-old Ahsoka Tano walked up to a hulking Sith hiding in the shadows. "I wasn't going to ditch you... Just took longer than expected to get away from the guys." She gave the tall man a smile, grinning when he dropped his hood. "Wouldn't be such a hassle if you just joined us over here." Rex leaned down and embraced her, partially pulling her into the shadows. "Yeah, yeah. That's what I'm here for, isn't it?" She mumbled against his chest, grateful for the close proximity. "Yeah, which is why we've got to get a move on." He reluctantly released her, readjusting his hoodie. With one of her hands secure in the crook of his arm, the Sith's Beta made his way down the backstreets until they came to an alley behind the Temple.

Vader was pacing between two other mountain-like men, their attention turning to Rex and the tiny alien when they approached. "Glad you made it back from the Jedi turf in one piece, Blondie." The gangster greeted his right hand, giving him a clap on the back. "Nothing new, boss..." Rex nodded, gently tugging his companion forward. "This is the girl I've been telling you about, Ahsoka Tano." His steel blue eyes shifted down to her.

"Snips, this is Vader. He's our gang leader, my best friend, and I'm his right hand."

Vader gave her hand a firm shake. "Even though you're still a Jedi right now, it's a pleasure to meet you." He teases, noticing how Rex watched her like a hawk as he did with Padmé. "Thanks for allowing me to meet with you." Ahsoka kept her chin up, determined not to let this man intimidate her. "I'm sure you know why I'm here." He nodded, arms folded across his chest. "So I've heard. What makes you want to be a Sith rather than unaligned? Why don't you want to be a Jedi anymore?"

"They don't trust me." Ahsoka licked her lips. "They think I'm too young to be in the group and disincline me from everything. I make one mistake and they constantly remind me of it... I'm tired of being in the group but being treated like an outsider." She glanced up at Rex. "This one here tells me things are much different this side of the turf. He said that y'all were a lot more inclusive and involved with your members..."

"I see." Vader stood at ease, his arms crossed and legs shoulder-width apart. "We don't have a lot of active female members, or rather not a lot anymore. Most of our females reside on Brother Island, tending to things over there, keeping an eye on the children... If we were to allow you into our gang, for the initial transition, we'd want to keep you closer to home for a while... Would you be alright with that?" He noticed her eyes narrow a bit at his words. "May I inquire as to why? I mean, all I do is sit around with the Jedi. What difference does it make if I'm on your island?"

"Well, we usually get backlash whenever we take an opposing gang's members so it's merely a safety precaution." He clarified, understanding where the girl was coming from. "Since he's shown much interest in you and there's obviously something going between you two, you'll be staying with Rex indefinitely." The Sith noticed his Beta looking rather pleased by this. "Good, then I can keep her close." Rex tossed an arm around her shoulders. "How long until her trials?"

"Trials?" Ahsoka looked up at the blonde and his boss. "What trials?"

"The initiation trials..." Rex filled in. "There's three in all; reconnaissance, slicing, and commitment. You'll be expected to excel at all three - else, you'll be merely a girl of the gang rather than a member. Sound fair?" Vader stuck out his hand to her, eager to head inside to the club. The Togrutan nodded, sealing their deal with a firm shake. "Good. Now, for tonight, you're welcome in the club... You'll have to stay with Rex the whole time though." He informed, turning away from them. "I thought I had bouncer duty?"

"Cable will fill in for you. Take the shift off and don't argue."

Rex shook his head gratefully at the gangster's back, grateful for the time with his hopefully soon-to-be girl. He turned to her, pulling the much shorter alien to lean against his side. The two brutes that'd been with the boss came forward, each eyeing the pair. "Damn, Blondie." The dark-haired one on the left teased, his frosty green eyes analyzing Ahsoka. "You sure know how to pick 'em... I didn't take you for a cradle robber." The brunette on the right chuckled, his dark eyes twinkling with mischief. Their second-in-command rolled his eyes at them. "Snips, these bucket-heads are Crane," He pointed to green eyes. "...and Hughes. Guys, this is Ahsoka... my girl." Ahsoka smiled when he said that, proud of the title. "Nice to meet 'cha."

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