Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Feel free to order in or something for dinner. I probably won't be back until after dusk."

Vader came downstairs to find both his girlfriend and his step-sister on opposite ends on the couch. They were watching some chick-flick by the looks of the holo; he was glad they were getting along decent enough. "I shut Threepio off upstairs."

"Thank goddess..." Satine turned around in her seat, arms folded over the top of the cushions. "I thought I was going to have to shock him to get him to lay off earlier."

"He can be a little too helpful..." Padmé agreed, turning around to see her beau already smiling at her. "Do you want us to get you something for later?" Vader shook his head, bending down to steal a kiss from her. "Just worry about each other, keep the doors locked, and the front gate activated. Send me a message if you need to turn it off for whatever reason..." His eyes shifted to his sister, remembering how he and his canary had talked about Satine earlier. "Tine, I'm sorry for being such an ass this morning... I really am glad you're here - we're glad you're here."

"It's fine, I get it." The blonde woman nodded, kicking her feet up on the empty cushions between her and Padmé. "I wasn't exactly the nicest myself... Try again?" She gave him a sheepish smile, holding out a fist toward him. He smirked back, recalling how they'd be forced to say that every time they fought before she'd left for university. "Try again... Alright, I'm gonna be late now." Vader stole one more kiss from his love before turning on his heel. "Play nice and don't be stupid."

"No promises!" Both women called after him, staring at each other in shock before bursting into laughter. He simply shook his head before setting the security system and leaving out the garage door.

"So what do you want to do tonight?" Satine returned to her previous position on the couch but turned her face to regard her counterpart. "I'm not sure. I wasn't exactly sure if you'd want to hang out with me to be completely honest." Padmé curled up under a blanket, knees tucked neatly under her. "I was thinking about going up to the studio or dance room, work on stuff for the club." She noticed the look of shock on the blonde's face. "My brother built you a studio? Like a recording studio?"

"It's not much..." The songster shrugged. "I wouldn't let him go too crazy with it. V just bought a mixing station, soundproofed recording booth, some speakers, and instruments... It's nothing too tech."

"Please... my brother worships the ground you walk on." Satine bit her lip. "I will probably see it as a professional record label's suite rather than just a lil' something Vader fixed up." A lightbulb went off in her head.

"Will you show me? Maybe the dance room too?"

"Hell yeah, let's go!"


Vader pulled up to the old school right at sunset, the abandoned campus all the way on the Sister Island. He spotted Obi-Wan's bike near the front entrance; the door was left a slide open, inviting the Sith inside. The two men used to frequent the old gymnasium, library, lecture hall, and back basketball courts; the question was where to check first.

His comm buzzed. "Rooftop."

Vader shook his head, impressed by Obi-Wan's uncanny ability to still sense him from a distance.He made his way up, one stairwell at a time...

Obi-Wan stood at ease, his eyes shut; he felt the sun's dying rays hit his face as dusk moved into the Trinity. He sensed his counterpart approach from behind, gently bringing him out of his light meditation. "You're late."

"My step-sister threw me for a loop, sorry." Vader took a seat on the ledge, his back to the sunset. "So, why do you know? Anything about Hardeen?"

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