Chapter Eighteen

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"My goodness, princess, you look awful pretty today."

Padmé smiled at her Pop, having just come down from the loft. It was Tuesday night and she was about to leave for the club. Padmé had chosen an off-the-shoulder sweater dress, the light grey fabric cutting off about mid-thigh. Instead of wearing another set of heels, she pulled an olive green pair of over-the-knee suede boots. For her hair, the singer had merely tamed her wild mane with a curling wand. To complete her whole ensemble, Padmé kept her makeup light but smoky on the eyes, the face lightly sculpted, and a pair of peachy-brown lips finished the look."Thanks, Pop." She hugged him, happy to see him for the first time in a few days. He held her on his knee for a moment, sitting at the bar. "You make sure that boyfriend of yours keeps the other men far, far away - and his hands from wandering." Padmé merely laughed, hugging him once more. "I promise, Pop, V'll take good care of me. While I'm gone, I expect you to take good care of mom." She teased, both of them laughing as her forehead leaned against his. Qui-Gon let her up, pressing a kiss to her cheek. "I'm gonna take her to the beach after closing. She'll be in good hands, I promise."

The front door's bell rang ad Vader walked in. "Vader!" Padmé turned around, happily running into his arms. "Hey, babygirl..." He laughed, picking her and spinning around. "You look beautiful tonight." She smiled, gently pulling his face down for a kiss. "Thank you. I missed you, V..." The gangster returned her smile, hugged her tight to his chest - careful of his new tattoo. "I missed you too."

"Vader, dear. It's so good to see you." Jobal's voice brought his attention up, seeing her standing beside Qui-Gon. "It's good seeing you too, Miss Thule." He paused his blue eyes meeting green. "You as well, Qui-Gon." The Sith looked down, pulling away enough to scan over his girl's outfit. "Are you ready for me to show you off tonight?" Padmé nodded, going over to hug and kiss her mother on the cheek. "I'll be back." She did the same to Pop before rejoining her beau. "Be safe, both of you." Jobal waved them off, leaning against the old man.

Vader kept an arm around her waist as they went outside. As he helped her into the two-seater, he spotted the three men that had been hanging around Miss Thule's for about a week now. He stared them down before going around to his seat, his scowl not faltering for a second. "What's wrong? You look angry..." Padmé scoot over beside him, gently laying a hand on his stomach. "Nothing..." He relaxed his glare, slinging an arm over her shoulders. The airspeeder took off; the Sith got a wicked idea, seeing a puddle up ahead. He hit the gas and sped over it - sending water flying all over the men.

"Vader!" Padmé gasped, turning around to see the men looking extremely pissed off. "I'm sorry!" She yelled, holding a hand up; her boyfriend immediately pulled her back down to face forward. "Don't." Vader kept his voice icy, tugging her closer to his side. She shrank down a little at his tone, cuddling up under his arm. As they neared a stop light, he pressed a firm kiss to her temple.

The rode the rest of the way in silence.


"I'm in love with tha cash, I put that on my mama and father..."

Vader watched from above, Padmé's silky voice flawless as she hit the high notes with ease. When they'd arrived at the club, she went straight to the stage and got her set underway - which just so happened to be about an hour earlier than usual. He hadn't stopped her, knowing she was wary of being around him after their moment on the flight over. Instead, he made sure she was set then went upstairs to the box. He'd sent Shine and Shade out to keep an eye on the diner, his eyes scanning over the datapad with their latest update. The men had disappeared on a backstreet; at least they went away... He shut down the pad, tossing it into one of the plush chairs.

Walking back over to the window, his eyes once again found his canary enjoying her set as she danced along with the crowd. He suddenly wanted her to come up to the box; he hailed Rex on his comm. "Boss?"

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